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Hey, so I know Tony sold Stark/Avengers Tower in Homecoming...

*spoilers for marvel movies following*

but can we pretend it was one of those "oh Tony is spontaneous and doesn't really think ahead and iron man is recommended for the avengers but not tony because he's unstable" moments and he bought it back after Civil War (for a way over inflated price because the buyers got very upset with him) because he's an emotional guy and was like screw it if no one wants to be an Avenger with me anymore than fine I'll get my tower back none of you are invited over anymore? and rhodey and pepper were just like *sigh* okay tony whatever floats your boat? and secretly tony just wants to bond with his favorite new son *cough* spiderkid? he's lowkey depressed because cap tried to kill him and he learned bucky killed his parents so what does he do, he finds a project to obsess over and now its redecorating his old tower? yeah? and then he's like aw petey likes my labs thats so cute hey sciency kids of new york here's a little student center haha try and fail to be as smart as me? look may i'm sorry peter is spiderman and i brought him to avengers war but look i'm keeping a close eye on him look where i live now it's a literal internship now yayyyy? okay thanks)

TL;DR: Stark Tower was sold, yes, but Tony got it back to prove a point. And now it's featured in my story. Thanks.


"Leo, you're on fire again."

Malcolm made the comment with a stressed exhale, the toll of the mission at hand weighing heavily on him. Chiron had placed him at the forefront of what Leo liked to call Mission-Super-Top-Secret-Save-Percy-and-Annabeth-and-Meet-The-Freaking-Man-Himself-Tony-Freaking-Stark-Iron-Man, or what Chiron liked to call "a cautious adventure, we don't need suspicion thrown your way, we don't need to confirm fears about demigods being a security threat ."

Leo liked his version better.

He quickly extinguished himself and placed his excited energy elsewhere, working quickly to meet the son of Athena's demands to pack some ratty looking backpacks with ambrosia and snacks and textbooks. 

"I can't wait to learn about," Leo twisted one particularly heavy book in his hands to read the spine, "Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy." He dropped it into the bag with a frown. "What does that even mean?"

Malcolm grimaced, shoving a black Chromebook charger into his blue pack. "Fancy word for anatomy. You've got to pretend to know this stuff if they ask."

"Well, you have a book on 'how to build a bad-ass robot dragon'? Then I would actually know what I was talking about."

The son of Athena glared at him, in a way that was all too familiar with Annabeth's. Leo raised his hands in surrender, turning away.

"Touchy, touchy!" He muttered, redirecting his attention to a child of Athena who wasn't looking to viciously murder him on the spot.

Mary Kate glanced up from where she stood, wringing her hands back and forth, at the light shuffle approaching her. A nervous smile tugged on her lips. "Leo," she  nodded, pulling at a brown bracelet. Her eyes flicked to his momentarily before refocusing on the toes of her sneakers. 

The son of fire grinned, shooting hand guns at her. "What's up, Mitnick?"

The girl wrinkled her nose in laughter. The slight breeze ruffled a few strands of caramel hair across her freckled face as she bounced with a giggle. "Nice reference."

Leo gave an exaggerated bow. "Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all night." 

The daughter of Athena forced a small laugh, before glancing back down at her fingers. Leo noticed the attitude change instantly and bumped her shoulder slightly. "What's up? You nervous?"

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