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Your daily reminder that we're getting a PJO TV show. 



Then again, he wasn't expecting Coulson to arrive so quickly. F.R.I.D.A.Y. was alerting him of his arrival within an hour or two of their call, and at that point he was in over his head babysitting the group of teenagers littering his living room. He sat at the kitchen bar, debating whether or not he should admit that he'd just learned the group's friends were probably being waterboarded somewhere in a Hydra cell. He couldn't help but look at his intern and think that these Percy and Annabeth kids were only a few years older than him. That it could easily be Peter he was searching for, if anyone ever connected the dots between his relationship with Spider-Man and the teen. Any of his many villains would have no trouble getting him to cooperate with their demands if Peter was on the line.

Instead of dealing with the emotional repercussions of those thoughts, he pulled out his laptop and began researching the two so-called demigods in the background while Peter continued to get much chummy with their company. For his tastes, at least. They were even laughing about something at some point, which sent a pang up his arm. The one kid he liked (scratch that, second. Harley was tolerable)... Why did he attract danger at every turn?

"Wait, so what do you mean you have fire powers?" the Spider-kid questioned, brown eyes swirling in curiosity. Tony couldn't help but turn to listen.

The Latino grinned wildly, swallowing a handful a pretzels he'd thrown in his mouth (yeah, that's right. Tony had given the delinquents food. What was his life turning into?). The billionaire scowled. Something about the kid screamed trouble. "Oh, amigo. Let me tell you. I can spontaneously combust at will! Wanna see?"

"Rain check on that," Tony declined immediately with a sick turn of his stomach. He'd seen enough of people spontaneously combusting back with his fight with Killian and Extremis. Phoenix fire amazon lady Pepper still haunted his nightmares on occasion. His mouth had just opened to set some better boundaries revolving around don't start on fire or do anything a normal teenager could, or couldn't when his watch buzzed with a notification.

"Shit," he mumbled, the color draining from his face. As cool as he had sounded on the phone, he was not ready to see the apparently alive Coulson. The idea made his palms sweat, and he hated feeling clammy. Peter immediately scrambled to his feet, running over to the man. "What, what's wrong?"

The man waved him off. He was slightly embarrassed he had been so easy to read. "Go play with you friends- without destroying anything! I have a meeting."

"Now?" the teenager frowned, dark eyebrows raising on his forehead. "I thought-"

"I've still got a job, Underoos," Tony cut him off coldly, too stressed to feel guilty by the cold shoulder he was turning to him. "Name's on the building, remember? It shouldn't take long. Can I trust you to handle this until I get back?"

Peter shifted on his feet, glancing between their company and Tony's hardened expression. "Yeah. But how long are you going to be gone?"

"Two hours, max. I'll get DUMM-E up here to help babysit, F.R.I.D.A.Y., keep me updated? And Peter? Please don't destroy my tower. If you need anything, text me."

He opened his mouth to speak, but snapped it shut after a second thought. "Okay. Can we watch TV?"

Tony nodded. His eyes skimmed the room. Once it was confirmed that his res floor was mostly baby proof, the billionaire jumped into the elevator to meet with the man back from the dead.

Wanted (A Percy Jackson/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover)Where stories live. Discover now