It Never Ends

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"I should've know," Annabeth couldn't help but smile as Percy swung the old blue Mazda his parents had bought him as a "thanks-for-saving-the-world-here's-the-best-car-we-can-afford-at-the-moment" gift into the dusty parking lot. The sun was still shining brightly, but from the time on his dash, she knew it would be setting any minute know. Her heart fluttered as she imagined what the rest of her night would hold.

"My lady," Percy bowed in a cringe-worthy British accent, jolting her back into reality. Annabeth rolled her eyes in amusement and stepped out of the car and onto the sandy pavement. He quickly swung the door closed, wincing as it slammed into place with a bang.

Annabeth shook her head before grabbing his hand. "Let's go, Seaweed Brain."

After a half hour of walking through the surf, pushing each other into waves (Annabeth won; she had grinned in triumph when he tripped over himself, swallowing a ton of saltwater), and creating sand "castles", Percy and Annabeth found themselves snuggled on the sand, the waves tickling their toes. The sun was setting quickly. The sky was filled with golden and pink hues, seagulls just black silhouettes against the breathtaking background.

"Wise Girl?" Percy whispered, turning his head to look into her eyes, which were closed in relaxation.

"Hmm?" she hummed. A breeze ruffled through her hair, and Percy couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she looked.

"Percy, what?"

The raven haired teen blinked, bringing himself back to reality. "What what?"

With a grunt Annabeth opened her eyes to look at him skeptically. "You said my name?"

Percy cursed, annoyed with himself for forgetting what he was going to say. "Oh, sorry. I forgot what I was - going to ..." he trailed off, his eyes hardening as they focused on something behind her.

His face went from playful to grim. Annabeth's smile disappeared from her face as she helplessly noticed him reach toward Riptide in his pocket.

Percy's jaw ticked repeatedly in an emotion that she couldn't quite decipher. Anger? Annoyance? Frustration?

Whichever it was, she knew what was coming.

And she hated it.

"What is it this time," she sighed, turning around reluctantly, having little expectations for the monster that was surely awaiting.

Or not.

"What the Hades?" She muttered, sitting up suddenly. Three people: two women and one buff, African American male that briefly reminded her of Beckendorf were walking briskly toward them. A glance around the otherwise empty beach proved that to be true. Schist.

Annabeth glanced back down at Percy, who was doodling in the sand in an attempt to ignore the situation. An innocent bystander may think that he was as relaxed as could be, but Annabeth instantly noticed his stiff stature and clenched jaw. After the whole... incident... Percy had little patience for monsters and the gods. As did she, of course, but even as much as she wished it were so, life had to go on. Even if it involved monsters showing up every dam time Percy tried to plan a romantic date outside of camp.

She sighed as she stood up, reaching for her dagger inside her jacket. "Are you going to help me out with this?" she said pointedly, glancing in the direction of their pursuers, "Or am I going to have to do it by myself?"

His green eyes darted to see that the monsters- drachmae? Empousi? More rebel demigods? would reach them soon. He drug his hand through his wavy hair slowly, grabbing onto it in a way that it must have been painful. He jumped to his feet and huffed angrily, snatching Riptide out of his pocket.

Wanted (A Percy Jackson/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover)Where stories live. Discover now