de ja vu

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hey, if there are some timeline details in this, i apologize. i'm twisting some details to fit, so if things seem off... just go with it or feel free to ask me!

i've missed you guys. hope i don't disappoint with this one, love you all <3

7 months previous.

"Hey, Will?" Percy called out to the blonde, knocking twice on the door frame leading into the infirmary.

The son of Apollo glanced up from where he stood finishing dressing a younger daughter of Hecate's arm, the wound compliments of the climbing wall. "Hiya, Perce."

"Percy!" the girl squealed, jumping down from the counter Will had set her on before running over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Percy laughed, reaching down to ruffle her thick wavy locks. "What'd you do this time, Dallas?"

"Lava. But I got all the way up the climbing wall," she grinned up at him.

"No way! That's awesome!" Percy knelt down so that he was eye to eye with the ten year old before offering his hand up for a high-five. She was young, but her dad had sent her to camp along with her thirteen year old brother- a smart decision in retrospect, considering the monsters would flock to them now that they knew they were demigods.

Dallas nodded proudly, smacking her palm against his before leaning in, as though she was prepared to tell him a secret. He obliged, offering his ear.

"Keegan only got half-way," she whispered mischievously, giggling about her achievement over her brother.

The son of Poseidon laughed at her comment before slowly rising to a stand. "Good job, kiddo," he winked down at her, his sea-green eyes sparkling.

Will smiled at the two. "Dallas, make sure you stay off the climbing wall for a bit, yeah? And stay out of the lake for a couple of days. We don't want that getting infected."


"You're good to go, you have about twenty minutes before lunch. Be careful!"

"Thanks Will! Bye Percy!" the younger camper shouted before sprinting out of the room off. Percy shook his head. That kid was adorable.

Will turned to clean up the mess he had made. In between throwing plastic wrapping away and hiding gauze and scissors in the cabinet, he looked over his shoulder at the dark-haired teen, who had jumped up onto the blue bench with a grunt. "What's up? Something I can help with?"

He was acutely aware of the dark bags underlining his friend's eyes, and the exhausted expression that appeared the instant Dallas left the room.

Percy nodded, looking uncomfortable. His calloused fingers danced along the edge of the exam table paper. "Yeah, uh... remember a couple months ago? When we talked about the concussion or what not?"

The lanky blonde nodded, leaning against the counter.

"Yeah, well... um. The symptoms haven't really stopped. I mean they're better, they're not that big of a deal, but-"

"Which ones?" Will inquired, reaching for his notebook with a forced frown to hide his shock. Percy could say that the symptoms weren't a problem, but the fact that he was even expressing concern about them spoke volumes. He never came to the infirmary willingly... usually it was him or Annabeth dragging the son of Poseidon up the Big House stairs.

Annabeth was sometimes too prideful to ask for help, but Percy was just too darn stubborn to admit something was wrong.

Percy bit his lip, staring down at his feet. "Not being able to sleep," he admitted. "I don't know, getting sick sometimes. It's just, I thought they would've gone away by now. I mean, I'm fine-"

Wanted (A Percy Jackson/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover)Where stories live. Discover now