Shock Factor

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"Do you know how to make holy water?"

Annabeth sent him a sharp look, daring him to say the punch line. They had been sitting in the cell way too long, and her Seaweed Brain was getting bored. He smirked mischeviously.

"You boil the hell out of it."

Annabeth groaned and threw a pillow over her ears. "I swear to gods Jackson, stop it with the jokes." If she had a quarter for every pun she had heard in the past five minutes... well, she'd have a lot of quarters.

"There's nothing better to do," he grumbled, flopping onto the white comforter of the bed. He picked at the Velcro of the wrist brace, wiggling his fingers. He was almost positive the fracture itself had healed already, but without nectar or ambrosia, the movement still sent an aching pain through his hand.

Annabeth watched him from the chair she sat at across the room. "Does it still hurt?" She nodded at his wrist.

Percy shrugged and rolled over so he was staring at the ceiling, throwing his good hand behind his head to prop it up. His girlfriend sighed at his stubbornness and squeezed the bridge of her nose, trying not to let her frustration build. Her mind wandered to all the summer homework she had to finish before senior year; not to mention the seventy thousand monuments and temples she still needed to design and overview for Olympus. All of which she couldn't do while trapped in a cell. Why she was thinking about this, while the biggest problem resting on their shoulders was being accused of terrorism and having their captors becoming increasingly suspicious of their lineage? Who knew. She obviously had her priorities set.

"Annabeth," Percy said sharply. She opened her eyes- which she didn't even realize she had closed- to see him giving her a concerned look.

His eyebrows popped up questioningly, with just a hint of panic in his eyes. "You okay?"

"Yeah," she responded a little too quickly.
That's when she realized he had probably thought she was having some kind of flashback- her stomach dropped when he started to get up from the bed.

"Percy, seriously. I was just freaking out about all the stuff I have to do when we get out of here," she gestured for him to sit back down.

His expression was doubtful, but he never got a chance to argue. Behind him, an Iris message materialized, the bright colors almost blinding in harsh contrast to their monochrome surroundings. Annabeth jumped up from her seat, holding her hand out to block the light before grinning when Chiron's hardworn face appeared.


Jackson shifted on the bed so he could see their old mentor. While the familiar face was nice, a shot of anxiety ran through him. What about the cameras in the room? If there was anything he wanted to avoid, it was exposing camp. It was bad enough his reputation dragged Annabeth down with him everywhere they went (exhibit a: their situation right now). He didn't need the rest of his friends getting injured or captured because of him.

Relief flooded over the centaur's face. "Percy, Annabeth. It's good to see that you are well."

Percy smirked, momentarily forgetting his dilemma. "More like good to see that we're alive, right? It took you long enough to check in."

Chiron gave a pained smile. Indeed, the demigod was merely joking, but this fact still didn't prevent a jolt of guilt to shoot through him. "More or less. What has happened? Where are you?" He was mildly concerned that it looked like a hotel room. If he and Jackson's family had panicked because the two decided to go on a spontaneous rendezvous without telling anyone...

Wanted (A Percy Jackson/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover)Where stories live. Discover now