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Kids were exhausting.

Paul was hunched over at the kitchen table, trying but failing to read through his emails on his laptop. His eyes kept closing in between sentences, the steaming cup of coffee next to him helping little. Half of them were straight from the English head at Goode; didn't she know that school had ended almost three weeks ago? In his mind, that meant he had another two and half weeks before he had to think about lesson plans or assignments. He didn't care if they were putting him on the third or fourth floor- as long as he wasn't teaching in the boiler room he'd live. Right now he just wanted to focus on keeping Chloe quiet enough for Sally to get some shut eye. The three month old had reached (what he hoped was) the peak of her fussiness, which meant hell for him and his wife. They couldn't make it an hour without hearing blood curling screams from across the house- seriously, she had some lungs on her.

It was all worth it though. She was the cutest darn kid he had ever seen, with a tuft of soft brown hair like her mother's and glowing chocolate eyes like his own. And when she laughed, you couldn't help but join in. It was one of those weird gurgle noises- there was really no better way to describe it.

Said little devil smiled at him from her high chair, as if she had known he was thinking about her. He scrunched his face up and stuck his tongue out, resulting in a giggle. He laughed when she tried to copy him. They continued to mess around when the shrill cry of the home phone interrupted them.

Who was calling at nine in the morning?

With a reluctant sigh, Paul pushed himself out of the kitchen chair and to the counter. The number that appeared on the screen didn't look familiar. Assuming it was a telemarketer, he clicked the red button to send whoever it was to voicemail.

He sat back down, stealing another glance at Chloe. When the voicemail began with a non automated voice, he was suprised. He turned away from his daughter and stared at the phone base.

"This is a call from Fraiser's Towing for PAUL BLOFIS. Your vehicle, make mazda, model RX-8 2010, tag BL03K12 was towed at your expensive at 9:03 AM this morning as result of violation of public parking over 48 hours. For pick up information or if this vehicle is not yours please call at..."

The bored voice on the other line blurred as the shock of the situation hit him. His immediate instict was to whip around to see if Sally had heard it. There was no movement; silence filled the air, but still, it did not bring him relief. For one, it was in stark comparison to the static from the phone seconds before. Two?

Percy freaking Jackson.

He remembered learning Sally had a son. It was one of their first dates, actually. Granted, they were study dates, but either way he was able to talk and laugh with this beautiful woman he had met, which was a blessing in itself.

As in all the cliches, she had taken an intermission in the middle of overanalyzing a paragraph she had written to excuse herself for the restroom. He first took a minute to gather himself- that woman had him flustered- but then began to look more closely at the framed photos on the walls and resting on the small side table besides the small cream couch. There were some pictures of a younger Sally smiling up or next to her parents, but he was most intrigued by the messy haired kid in the majority of them; alone or next to her. He smiled at one where the kid couldn't have been more than five- he was squatted in the sand with his back to the camera, poking at a red crab.

Wanted (A Percy Jackson/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover)Where stories live. Discover now