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October 5th, 2015 (S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3... spoilers)

Agent Phil Coulson narrowed his eyes as he flipped through the thin file laid before him. After the revelation of Inhumans and the outbreak that was occurring, he had made it his priority to track and bring in as many of the alien, powered individuals as possible. He and his rag-tag group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had already uncovered several, including a man named Joey less than a week ago. Little did he know that his mission would uncover a dusty case from well over 6, 7 years ago.

His interest had peaked on the subject when he saw just how little S.H.I.E.L.D. had uncovered on him; there were only but a few notes on the possible threat, which worried him. It wasn't often that this organization was found slacking on intel. He wondered briefly if there had ever been a mission to obtain and question this particular subject- he grabbed a notepad from his desk and quickly jotted down a reminder to research that later.

He rubbed his brows mindlessly as he forced himself to focus. He was having a hard time accepting that this potential criminal was only 12 when he was first recognized; while he had heard of child soilders, he highly doubted that Hydra or any other terrorist organization would send a mere child into a mission as advanced as blowing a chunk out of the Saint Louis Arch.

He looked through the few articles included within the file; pictures of the burning monument filled the pages, along with the ever concerning grainy photo of a man-shaped blob falling in a direct course to the Mississippi River. Coulson shook his head. That fall would kill even Skye, an Inhuman. Or so he assumed; it wasn't like he had tried.

But, despite his doubts, the kid had appeared in yet another nationwide covered story- this time involving kidnapping, cross country heist led by a yet to be named biker gang leader. Dead men can't do that. And as far as he could tell, the kid's 'kidnapper' had disappeared shortly after the incident. The incident being of course, destroying a Greyhound bus, St. Louis Arch, and a few cop cars, all due to a simple kidnapping. Suspicious.

A knock on his office door jolted him out of his thoughts. He leaned back in his chair, spinning the pen in his fingers. He sighed and readjusted his attention to the doorway, where Skye leaned sheepishly with a steaming mug in her hand.

"Come in," he motioned, sitting up. She strode over in her new black wardrobe; her suprisingly clean combat boots clicked on the ground as she approached him, a smirk on her face. He would never tell her this, but a part of him missed her old street style look- in a way, it made her more innocent (hardly a thing to be said about the trickster). He almost felt a bubble of shame for having converted his basically adopted daughter into this world of danger; that feeling, however, was greatly forgotten in the shadow of his great pride for all she had done and accomplished.

"How's it going, Mr. Director?" She asked easily as she set the mug down in front of him, claiming a seat in the red padded chair across from him. He took the coffee graciously, smiling at the Grumpy Cat mug. It had yet to be claimed.

"Just going over some things," he sighed, trying and failing to hide the stress. Skye narrowed her eyes and brushed her newly cut, shoulder-length chestnut hair to the side before she noticed the open manilla file on his desk. Without so much as a smirk, she smacked a hand down upon it and dragged it over to her side of the cluttered desk.

"Skye-" he began in a warning tone, but she cut him off before he had a chance to complete his thought.

"It's Daisy," she corrected lazily as she helped herself through the file. He cursed himself mentally; after the crazy last few months, Coulson kept forgetting that she had reverted to her newly discovered identity as Daisy Johnson. "Perseus Jackson, huh? His parents must really hate him."

Coulson knew at this point he couldn't stop her. He leaned back in his chair as she read the file aloud. "Residency: Summerset Avenue, Manhattan, New York... Age: 12," she stopped abruptly.

"Coulson, we're not going after a twelve year old, right?" she questioned. He shook his head. "It's an old report. He would be 18 now, if his birthday is actually August 18th."

"18," she repeated skeptically. Coulson shrugged and took a sip of the coffee, which had been sitting long enough to cool down slightly. "Do we seriously need to bring in a 18 year old?"

"That's what I want to find out," Coulson articulated. "Like I said, this is an old report. I'd like to get some new information. Feel like dipping into your old talents?"

Her eyes continued scanning the painfully thin file as she bobbed her head. "Yeah, I can do that," she announced as she slammed the file shut. She stood up and held the file to ask permission to take it; he nodded to show his approval. As she made her way to the door, a question popped into his head.

"Daisy?" he called after her. She spun around at the doorway, her dark brown eyes attentive. "How's Fitz doing?"

Her face softened. "He's still working himself to death. I-I don't know what to say to him." Her words were like a heavy weight that had been dropped on his shoulders. Everyone was grieving the loss of one of his best agents, Simmons, but Fitz was having an especially hard time. He was in a long stage of denial; he had convinced himself that the frisky scientist was still alive, somewhere... he hated to say it, but Coulson couldn't help but wondering if Fitz still hadn't fully recovered from the accident. His sense of rationality had completely dissipated, and his frustration was only growing with each passing day he failed to find a way to bring her back.

"Have him help you on that," he stated with a brisk nod to the file in her hand. "Get his mind off of it for a while, at least."

Daisy responded with a curt nod before exiting his office to complete the task.

The director's head fell into his hands as the door slammed shut. He couldn't help but feeling that this single target- Perseus Jackson- would end in much more trouble than he needed.

Why hello readers! I'm writing this because I've seen many like it and wanted to put my own spin on it; in addition, I'm in a giant state of writer's block with Alex Fox so I'm hoping this will help clean up the cobwebs a little bit. I hope you enjoy!

This is also supposed to start at the beginning of Season 3 of AoS and before the Trials of Apollo; if I mess anything up, please let me know! Some might be on purpose; for the sake of a clean story with less moving parts, I am dropping the whole other planet/Hive/portal storyline- instead, Coulson and his team are just cleaning up and finding Inhumans, just like the beginning of that season. In other words, Simmons will not be coming back. Please don't kill me :(. Love you all!

Oh yeah, if you haven't seen S.H.I.E.L.D., I'm going to try my best to make it easy to understand the basics of it throughout the short story.


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Wanted (A Percy Jackson/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover)Where stories live. Discover now