01 | Burning Blizzard

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It was uncommon to find Grisha in Fjerda. Even more so to find a Grisha being befriended by those sworn to slay such "beasts". And one would say it was near impossible to even think of finding Grisha stumbling into a Drüskelle camp.

Matthias met Rowan during the warmer months in Fjerda, some called it summer, but all that changed about his home country was that the sun stayed in the sky for a few hours longer. The weather wouldn't matter had Rowan not asked for shelter due to a horrible blizzard.

It was uncharacteristic for a blizzard that time of year and for a random kid to show up outside his shelter. He'd been the only one of his team to stay back and watch the fire. Due to some idiotic happenstance, Matthias had been temporarily delegated to fire watch. It was boring but he secretly appreciated the rest.

He hadn't known what to say to the person begging for safety from the storm but he knew his fellow Drüskelle would have stopped elsewhere for the night... so he let the stranger in. Matthias remembers very little from his childhood and his family, but his mother always told him to be kind to others. Because that kindness would soon return to you in some way.

"Oh thank the saints," Their voice set Matthias on edge, so did their use of thanking "saints". Ravkan. He thought, realizing he may have made a terrible mistake. "I would have frozen out there." Their Fjerdan was too good for any normal Ravkan, Matthias eyed them curiously.

"What were you doing out there in the storm?" Matthias decided to ask who they were later. Their intentions were more important to him at the moment.

They laughed in response, "I'd been looking for winter roses but soon the wind picked up and I lost my way. My tent wouldn't take to anything and trees are far and few between. It's impossible to navigate in such weather," They set down their pack, Matthias noted how well-stocked it looked to be.

Matthias grunted in disagreement, "Not impossible, just difficult."

"I've got the keenest eyes among my friends and couldn't see an inch in front of me, anyone capable of walking through that hellish landscape is surely a Saint or Djel herself."

Hearing the strange person mention his god made Matthias feel a bit better. They seemed to understand Fjerda despite looking horribly out of place. Their accent was a bit shitty but Matthias knew his mother tongue was tricky for outsiders. "I suppose, where are you from? You don't sound Fjerdan."

Something flashed across their face before they laughed at Matthias' serious expression, "Don't worry, I'm not some Ravkan here to slaughter a poor Fjerdan lad. I'm not sure where I'm from, I was orphaned as a child, you see."

"As was I, it's how I became a Drüskelle." He didn't understand why he offered such personal information to this... person. It felt easy despite not even knowing their name. Horror flashed through their eyes before they nodded, Matthias understood they must be familiar with his kind.

They hummed and nodded, "Drüskelle, eh?" Matthias nodded in response, "How old are you? You seem quite young..."

"17 in a few months, why?" Matthias cursed at his prideful response, it was hard being the youngest in his group, most of them started years before he did but he's only been a "real" Drüskelle for a year.

"Just wondering how murderous you could be, that's all–is that a wolf!?" Dread filled the stranger's face upon seeing Trassel. "I heard about Drüskelle having wolf... companions but why is it inside?"

Matthias felt annoyed hearing Trassel being referred to as a thing, "He's inside because of the blizzard, or would you rather be outside too?"

The look on their face was priceless, they were obviously not used to being spoken to like that.

Matthias remembered their meeting quite fondly, all things considered. How else could he feel about the situation, the rare chance that he was the one watching the camp when this... gift stumbled through the door. And by Djel was he thankful for Rowan.

If he had sent Rowan away Matthias would surely be without his life despite how much they complained every time they saved his life.

"You and death are like the best of friends. And I'm the asshole who won't leave you two alone,"

Rowan had a penchant for making him laugh (especially in the worst places). If his memory served him well, nearly half of the time they got a laugh out of him was in life or death situations. Somehow they always managed to say easily the most outlandish thing he'd ever heard. All he could do was chuckle even if he knew he put the two of them at risk.

But despite nearly dying countless times, the biggest scare was when Rowan abruptly grabbed Matthias by his waist and pulled his head down to kiss him. "We really shouldn't," He'd started to protest when they shushed him, their eyes darting over to the Drüskelle passing by the alleyway. Their lips never met, but to any passerby, it looked like two teenagers shacking up.

A few minutes had passed and they still stood closely. Just looking at one another. Matthias felt incredibly hot and knew his cheeks were rosy but he didn't want to part. He didn't like admitting to himself that being held was nice... especially when it was Rowan holding him.

"Why? You scared?"

Matthias didn't know how to answer but he knew he was terrified. That part of him that was still trained to hunt Grisha burned with frustration and rage at how he managed to fail so horribly at his one job in life. Matthias was scared of what it meant to want someone like he wanted this... beautiful person.

His whole life Grisha were always described as devils but Rowan seemed so incredibly... normal. Sure they were improper and rude but Matthias found it to be refreshing. Fjerda was beautiful and comfortable but Rowan made him feel more than content. Rowan made Matthias burn and he'd never felt such heat in his life.

That day, when they stood less than two inches apart, Matthias swore he would burst into flames from how hot his blood felt. Standing beside a fire would be icy in comparison... and that made Matthias feel more fear than he would ever hope to feel. How could he have fallen in love with the one thing person he was meant to wipe from the land of the living?

After that close encounter with his entire ideology falling to pieces, he'd distanced himself from Rowan. He had one job and that was to get them out of Fjerda. Matthias felt like he was betraying his friends and family but that week in the camp, alone, with Rowan made him realize something.

He didn't like to even think the words but he knew everything would change once he returned.

"Are we friends?" Rowan had asked one day as they walked toward the coast through the thick layer of snow.

Matthias wasn't sure how to answer in a way that wasn't rude so he settled with indifference, "Why would it matter?"

Rowan shrugged, "Was wondering in case you or the dog tried to murder me, that's all."

"I won't try to kill you," They gave him a knowing look, "I promise I won't kill you," Matthias forced a sarcastic smile.

Rowan laughed at the sight, "My god I've really corrupted Fjerda's finest, haven't I?" Matthias hated how much he loved the sound of their laughter.

If Grisha weren't supposed to be alive why did he feel so alive standing next to one?

Of Witches And Wolves | M. Helvar ✐Where stories live. Discover now