10 | Shut Up

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Matthias didn't like Rowan's friend, Nina Zenik, she said was her name. Something about her made him uncomfortable. He also didn't like how keen Nina Zenik was on forcing eye contact whenever he spoke. It was unnerving.

Rowan never really looked him in the eye, he didn't know why but he liked it. They were incredibly different from this Zenik girl. Unlike the Heartrender, Rowan was more humble and less crude. Well–that's a lie, Rowan is quite inappropriate at times. Part of Matthias thinks all Ravkan teenagers are like the two Grisha before him.

Even if he'd like to think otherwise.

"When Jensin found out I'd be saving you, he just about killed General Kirigan."

He's heard of this General, the supposed only surviving Darkling. The Black Heretic's last living descendant, the very drůsje that conjured the fold and split Ravka into two. Fjerdan schools focus a lot on the history of the Grisha, as a sort of... threat.

If any child is discovered to be Grisha they're never seen again. Nobody knows what happens to them but there are rumors. Deadly ones at that. Matthias once knew a young boy who turned out to be the same thing Rowan was–a Tidemaker–his name was... Hans... when it was discovered he was Grisha, he was found hanging from a tree just a walk from the school.

Anyone with half a brain could tell it was a warning for anyone else hiding any abilities. It terrified Matthias seeing how cruel his people could be.

But he'd just remember how he lost his family and part of him would understand. Fire created by a Grisha claimed the lives of his parents and sister when he was just a child. Thankfully the memories of that day were lost to time (for the most part).

"I think I could weep at the thought, I hate him so much." Rowan spat out, eyes narrowed. Matthias hadn't seen them quite angry before, but he could tell that this General Kirigan made Rowan's blood curdle.

Nina laughed, "I'd love to see you cry over him, Yuli."

"What's Yuli mean?"

The pair turned around to face Matthias, clearly surprised to hear him speak again. Rowan scratched their neck awkwardly, "It's my last name–well part of it." They explained and their expression perplexed Matthias. Why would they be nervous?

"What is your last name? You never did tell me." He asked, leaning forward toward Rowan.

"Yulianova, I'm sure you've heard of their parents, they're practically famous–" Nina answered for Rowan, which annoyed Matthias deeply. Rowan elbowed Nina's side which made her gasp.

He scowled at the girl, "They can speak for themself."

It was like a light went off inside of Nina as an evil smile grew on her pink lips, "I'm surprised to hear you talk in such a tone, Drüskelle. You just 'bout shat your pants when you saw what I did to that guard."

Matthias felt hot lava smack him in the face, "You're just a witch–" He pointed an accusing finger at Zenik, eyes flaming with anger.

This only seemed to make her happy which annoyed him more, stupid Grisha. Rowan looked incredibly conflicted but he didn't care.

"Say another word and I'll stop your heart, boy."

Fear washed over him for just a second as he considered the likelihood of her being honest. His nostrils flared as he sat back, deciding to be silent instead of engaging with her.

"Good boy." Nina held a nasty smirk on her lips.

Matthias' anger he pushed down came back in full force and when he jumped out toward Nina, Rowan pushed him back by his shoulders. He fell back onto his back and when Zenik chuckled, Rowan glared at their friend intensely.

"Knock it off–" They turned their murderous gaze onto him, "Both of you." Rowan's voice reminded him of Jarl's whenever pushed too far. "We are on a fucking boat in the middle of a goddamn ocean–something I can't even bear to think about right now–and you two fucking idiots are arguing like it's going to get you anywhere."

"How can you just defend him like that, Rowan!?"

They sighed loudly, "I'm not defending anyone, I'm asking–no, I'm telling you to both, shut the fuck up." With that, they seemed to physically deflate as they slid down the side of the crate. Rowan took a deep breath and closed their eyes, "If all goes well I'll be home soon and you'll be too,"

He gulped at the thought, "I will be hanged for treason."

"I said I'd protect you, Helvar. I will keep that promise."

Nina looked back and forth between the pair with a peculiar look, "What the actual fuck does that mean?" She blurted and Matthias rolled his eyes.

Rowan shrugged, "I dunno, maybe I too will die protecting him."

"Do you even hear yourself right now, Yuli?" Nina sounded exasperated, she was looking at Rowan like they were crazy.

"Yes, I do, Nina. He and I have gone through a lot in the time since we met. And I never back down on a promise, you know that."

Of Witches And Wolves | M. Helvar ✐Where stories live. Discover now