15 | Matthias Helvar

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Ravka was visible, it was still miles away but now that Rowan could see the land mass... the reality of their situation began to settle in their bones. It was like a weight was being pushed down onto their shoulders as they stared at the waves blankly.

Matthias found a spot where the wind didn't try to throw him over due to his height. He was curled up against the side like a child, it made Rowan laugh when they saw him. "Are you alright?" He asked, raising his voice so it didn't get swallowed by the ocean.

Rowan glanced down at him, he was by their feet, wrapped up in a thin blanket. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"Because... I don't know." He shrugged, pulling the blanket tighter around his shoulders.

"I'm fine... just... nervous." Rowan pushed their hair behind their ears, it was much longer than they liked but it had to be for their cover. You'll be a teenage girl. They hated that more than being in Fjerda. The people weren't even that bad, it was just the Drüskelle that made Rowan incredibly nervous.

He nodded, "It will be okay, djel will make sure."

That made them chuckle, "I haven't heard that in a while."

"It's been hard when I feel like I've betrayed my goddess."

"How so?"

Matthias pulled at a loose string, "Much like the Drüskelle, we're told that Grisha are rotten even religiously. It has been at the back of my head since you showed your abilities."

Rowan nodded, "I'm sorry. That must be hard."

"It could be worse, I could be on my way back to Fjerda to be killed for treason."

"What'd you do with Matthias?" Rowan asked, sad upon hearing his admission of fearing his fate. They felt horrible knowing what might be to come.

"I washed him away when I bathed." He said quietly, Rowan barely heard him.

The pair were forced back below deck when they got into Ravkan waters. The ride was much smoother, tidemakers were stationed on buoy-like structures in order to calm or rile the water when needed. They pushed the boat inward to the port, making the end of the ride much quicker.

"Okay, let Rowan and I do the talking. You're a threat enough just for... fucking breathing. This isn't me joking, Drüskelle, this is your life we are talking about. And Rowan seems to want to keep you alive so I will honour my friend's wish." Nina said, staring into Matthias' eyes deeply.

Rowan nodded with her, "Please do not speak, even if they say something that bruises your pride or ego. Ravka may be modern but we don't jest when it comes to Fjerdans. Least of all a Drüskelle." They mumbled, eyes heavy with emotion.

The two Grisha teens stood side by side in front of Matthias. Rowan spoke quietly to their best friend.

"Please listen for threats, yes? I can't do much without getting myself killed."

Nina squeezed their hand, "You have my word, Yulianova."

Rowan smiled grimly, "Thank you, Zenik."

The three young adults came above deck slowly, Rowan knew nothing would happen but having a Drüskelle in tow wasn't exactly a good thing. Matthias stayed silent, literally and physically. He walked slowly and softly, it was mad.

It was nerve-wracking for Rowan, they couldn't see anyone on the dock that looked like Jensin. Just masses of Keftas and one man in a black kefta; The Darkling. They choked up at the sight of him, he looked the same–unsurprisingly. Rowan's grip on Nina's hand was borderline bone breaking but she didn't mention it.

Of Witches And Wolves | M. Helvar ✐Where stories live. Discover now