13 | Good Different

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The first thing Rowan felt was the cold wind, it was icy and nearly threw them over. Luckily Matthias caught them against his chest. The second thing was how bright it was above the lower deck.

They squinted against the sun and smiled up at Matthias, feeling better already, being under the sun was truly a gift.

"It feels like ages since I last stood under the sun."

Nina bumped her shoulder into theirs, "That's because it has been ages, go change in there." She pushed a handful of clothing into Rowan's hands. "There's clean water to wash up with."

The smile on their face was contagious as Nina grinned. Matthias watched the interaction quietly, he could see why Rowan liked Nina. She still annoyed him but he could tell their bond was unbreakable.

"And you, Drüskelle, can wait about ten minutes or so. However long they take in there." Nina patted his arm and he glared at her. "You're so touchy, saints."

"I don't know you, please do not get familiar."

Nina laughed at his expression, "You'll be getting to know plenty of me soon enough. There is no privacy in Little Palace. Gossip runs rampant in its halls." She had that same mischievous smirk on her face. "Well, sometimes it's quite annoying, but it's entertaining when you're not involved."

"I am not surprised all Grisha do is gossip."

"You have quite a lot of vitriol for us Grisha even though you are so fond of Rowan." Nina was poking a bear but she loved it.

Matthias spun toward the edge of the boat, "Rowan isn't a crude person like you are."

"You haven't even met the real Rowan, how would you even know what they are like?" Nina asked and she could see the insecurity in his eyes. "Just because they show less of their Grisha-ness doesn't mean they aren't Grisha. I understand I'm threatening to you."

"You don't scare me." He spat out.

Nina shook her head, "The fact that you felt you had to say that proves I do. If I wanted to kill you; I could." Nina threatened, "But I won't. For Rowan's sake."

Matthias stood stiffly, leaning on the boat as Nina walked away. He stared at the soft waves and tried not to let himself spill out. What was taking Rowan so long?

Rowan tried to hurry out of the small bathing space but the water was warm and it was heavenly. The feeling of being clean once more was... nothing short of spectacular. Their hair was no longer on the verge of matting, the dark almost-curls finally clean and shiny.

Even with their shitty grasp on their abilities, Rowan mastered hair drying when they were just seven. They used the skill to dry their little sisters' hair whenever Jensin was too busy to do so. It wasn't the most useful thing, but it was nice being able to have dry hair.

The clothing Nina (presumably) stole was ill-fitting but Rowan didn't care one bit. A clean pair of brown trousers (that looked suspiciously like standard second army issue) and a large cream coloured button up were paired with suspenders and Rowan's disgusting boots.

They felt so comfortable after bathing. It was a wonder what water could do.

"Rowan, are you done yet? Your boy is losing his bloody mind out here!" Nina was knocking on the door harshly, it made them jump.

"Saints I thought I was going to die, give me just a second."

Nina's telltale cackle could be heard through the thin walls. They were out in less than two minutes. "Well, you clean up really nicely, Yuli, come now." Nina looped her arm through Rowan's, dragging them along.

Their eyes found Matthias' form almost immediately, he looked like he was going to throw up over the edge. He turned around–like he felt the weight of their eyes on his shoulders. Matthias looked startled seeing Rowan... clean, ironically.

Rowan offered a smile, leaning into Nina's side for her warmth.

"My reaction exactly."

"You look... different," Matthias murmured, openly staring at Rowan.

Rowan laughed, "Hopefully it's a good different."

Matthias nodded awkwardly, "It's a great different–"

"Maybe you should go get different, Helvar."

Of Witches And Wolves | M. Helvar ✐Where stories live. Discover now