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Author's pov


Jungook fan his face with his hand as he walk in the Kim's house without knocking' of course '. He turn to the dining room to see Namjoon , his legs crossed and arms also crossed on his chest, wearing his glasses as he stare at Jungook.

" H-hyung. " Jungook whispered and bowed respectful at him and see Namjoon not reacting at all but staring at his eyes, deadly. Jungook gulped thickly at the scary gaze and sat down, not saying anything and rub his hands on his pants.

Jungook has never felt so scared in his life, especially when it comes to Namjoon.

After few seconds of silence  , Namjoon clear his throat startling Jungook when he take a wine opening it.

Jungook pat his forehead a little feeling the sweat on it, watching Namjoon pouring a dark purple wine in two glasses. He gulp the lump when Namjoon look at him then back at the wine.

With shaky hands he grab the glass and drank it all. God, he seriously needed it. Its like Namjoon was feeling him. The tension in the room is heavy, and hard for him.

" You look like shit " Namjoon say observing Jungook's face that looks tired. He didn't bother to even hide it with make up.

" I- I know" Jungook answered back with a shrug rubbing the nape of his neck. Namjoon knows very well that he is scared because he keeps rubbing his neck. He doesn't mean to scare him that way.

He knows that Jungook is scared of him but today things are worse. Jungook looks like he is about to pass out, the sweat on his forehead, his sweaty hands- his cheeks pink- it worries Namjoon.

" You know... some people outside are cruel, heartless- and they don't care about their actions or other people's feelings. So heartless. " Namjoon say shaking his head , look at the younger to find him looking down.

" Since you are one of those people, care to tell me why you did that. Why did you hurt the person who loved you ? I am super curious to know why you did that" Namjoon fold his arms giving Jungook a deadly glare.

" Look at me when I am talking !" Jungook flinch at the growl.


Jungook's pov

I finally look up to maintain his deadly glare. I swear if a look could kill, I would be six feet under in this moment . It breaks my heart seeing the gaze he is giving me. My favorite ,calm hyung, I hate to see him angry.

I should have known though that he is going to talk about Jimin.

" Oh so am I talking alone now? Do I look stupid? Are you making me stupid Jungook?" He growl and chuckle darkly as I look at my lap again. Feeling tears brimming up.

" That poor guy gave you nothing but love. You being a fucker, you being not grateful you decided to let Jin control you like that. Do you even know that this was his whole fucking plan?!" I bit my lower lip, and let the tears flow.

" You came to me, and said that you wanted to give Jimin a chance. We talked, I told you to take care of him. You guys were good, happy- and suddenly boom!!! Your ex is back and you went back to him ! So you lied to me and Jimin! You told me you loved him" He said banging the table.

" I- I do-do lo-love h-him-"

" Oh you still do?! Hahaha, you are really funny you know that?! And what about Taehyung!? So are you playing him also?! " I gritted my teeth , remaining silent.

" Shit, I- I don't know what's up with you. But all I can say is that you are a monster, a heartless fucker who deserves to be punished! You deserve to be punished!" I gasp lowly at his words and look up to see him staring at me furiously, disgusted by me.

My heart shattered at his look, and his words. I - know that what I did is wrong , and people who hate me should be the one to say I deserve to be punished but when it comes out from  him.... it broke me so deep that I can't swallow the lump on my throat.

" I-Its ok-okay hy-hyung. I-I am heartless, a monster for hurting him i know that. And I will never forgive myself for th-that. I broke him, I hurted him intentionally b-but i- I was j-just blinded by everything. When i was dating  Jimin, at first i wasn't feeling h-him. I didn't love him at-at all because I have been telling myself that my heart belong to only one person "

" But you made me give him a chance. I- I won't lie and say I wasn't happy with him... he made me happy. I was happy with hi-him. I started developing feelings for him, but I wasn't sure if they were that deep because Taehyung was still in my heart. Bu-but as soon as- as time g-goes on, I told myself to forget about Taehyung because now Jimin is the one I am in love with "

" Oh, what an angel he is. I had so much fu-fun with him, those memories- ." I couldn't hold back the tears and sob ugly infront of Namjoon.

" Th-things were going very We-well until Jin brought him, an-and started to remind me tha-that my heart belong to Taehyung. I told him many times to not talk about Taehyung because the name can ruin me again. But he never listened, until we- we met face to face. I am such a dick that I couldn't control my fucking self. That feeling, that feeling i had for him came back. And I was sure that me and him will fix things and be that happy couple again. But me being stupid forgot about the only one person, I told myself I love ."

" I regret it all, I wish I could turn things back . An-and let me tell you hyung, never worry about me. I am being punished very well until I even die. " He look at me confused until I stand up.

" Tha-thanks for the closure you wanted, and for telling me those words. Every single word you said about me is right, I deserve to die for hurting Jimin. "

" Ju-"

" I love him, I will forever love him- but don't just please- I am not being heartless or anything but I don't want to hear his name anymore. Anymore " I whispered the last word.

" I have to go. And thank you for making me giving him a chance. " I bow at him and see his eyes teary until I walk out of his house. The harsh wind outside hit my skin and fill my nostrils as I inhale deeply walking to my car .

I get in my car, slamming the door letting the tears. This is what he has been feeling , ignored, broken and numb. Now I am feeling the pain. God- i can't imagine how he was in this ugly pain I had put him through.

I wipe my tears when I see my phone ring-

Taehyung. He even left me bunch of messages- i can't help but start the car with shaky hands- getting nevours with what is he going to do tonight. I have to go at the at the store to buy a strong alcohol for tonight because things are going to be rough .


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