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Author's pov


Jungook walk in his room to see Taehyung still over the phone giggling non-stop. He close the door and it caught Taehyung's attention.

" Oh, hey Austin we will talk later huh? Yes my boyfriend is here now. Yeah, yeah don't worry I will tell him" Taehyung say and hung up the call and stare up to see Jungook's down face.

" Hey baby. Guess what? Austin is inviting us to his baby's party and it is tomorrow. - ohh and the theme is yellow and white. Pretty right?" Taehyung say giggling but Jungook didn't react.

The Austin he is talking about- hell, he doesn't even know him.

" We need to talk" Jungook say firmly staring at Taehyung's face changing into a confused expression .

" Talk? - hmm oh about last night " Taehyung say with a sigh and stood up going to pour a wine in his glass.

" To be honest with you, I don't regret anything I did to you. You needed to learn your lesson for being rude towards me. So, I am not feeling bad at all" Jungook's eye twitched at the words that sounded so venom to him.

How could he say that? So yeah, he doesn't feel bad at all? About last night? But it's Taehyung after all. Whatever he does, he doesn't see it wrong but only perfect in his eyes.

" Oh yeah? " Jungook said staring at him deadly.

" I mean yeah. You know that you deserve it too. " Taehyung shrugged turning to him and walk to him.

" Hey, what's with the looks?" Taehyung frowned not liking Jungook's burning dark gaze on him. Its like he want to kill him.

" We need to talk. About us" Jungook finally say the words he want to say.

" Us ? What about us?" Taehyung ask caressing his shoulder.

" Aren't we toxic?" Taehyung chuckle looking up at his face and peck his nose before going to sit on the bed , turning the TV on.

" Toxic? Kookie, we don't even fight at all."

" But you are forcing things " Jungook said and see Taehyung putting the glass down and stare at him.

" force? I am not forcing anything you know that " Taehyung said with a pout and Jungook scoffed loudly boiling with anger in him.

" You never forced anything Taehyung?"

" No- no I didn't- you know that kookie. " Taehyung say and gulped harshly not liking the way Jungook is talking to him.

" Okay then tell me then- forcing yourself on me? What are you saying about that?" Jungook say with keen angry eyes.

" H-hu-huh? Me? I don't force myself on you kookie- we- we are a couple a-"

" We are couple you say but what kind of a boyfriend are you to force your own boyfriend to have sex with you? Just tell me, Taehyung why do you always have to do this to me?!" Taehyung flinched and hug the remote seeing Jungook walking to him, breathing heavily.

" Do you even know how much pain you putted me through?! Ever since we got back to each other- yo-you never showed me y-your care- but yo-you only wanted sex!!! Always sex,sex, sex!!!" Jungook shouted, angry tears rolling down on his cheeks.

" Fuck, i- i-" he hiccups walking away and went to the balcony breathing heavily leaving Taehyung's shaking figure on the bed. Jungook hold the wooden railing crying loudly as he shut his eyes close.

He did a good thing by walking away because he could have done something bad, which is what he doesn't want. Taehyung is making him crazy and so angry. He didn't like how he was trying to protect himself by saying that they are a couple.

He need to go back and talk things out before it will be too late. He need to talk it out. He walk back in the room and see how Taehyung widen his eyes and stood up walking to him but he stopped him with his hand and the action made Taehyung cry silently.

" L-last night was a - was a nightmare to me. I-I felt more disgusted b-by you so much. I- I fucked with- with a gir-girl and you know very well that I am not into girls but y-you didn't care. Wh- why ? Just tell me Taehyung why did you have to got this fa-far?" Taehyung cried with shame .

" You raped me do you know that? " Jungook chuckle bitterly rolling his eyes at Taehyung who looked at him with guilt eyes.

" The reason I am in this relationship is because of you. I didn't want you to- to kill yourself , but after what you did last night- ..... that's when I said it's enough. " Taehyung shake his head.

" Kooki-kookie-"

" I- I am done with this Taehyung. " Taehyung cry harder shaking his head and walk to him hugging his torso tight.

" Ju-Jungook pl-please- I - I am sorry- " Jungook cry silently looking at the side . Yes, his heart hurt seeing Taehyung like this and mostly he can't control the guilt in him that this is the second person he is breaking.

" Hu-hun- I a-am I am sorry"

Jimin's breaking small voice echoing in his mind made his heart ache even more. He gulp the burning lump on his throat and hold Taehyung's shoulders staring in the older's sad eyes.

" I- I am ss-sorry. I- I was only tr-trying to spi-spice things up. " Jungook only stare at him .

" Yo-you were being so-so distant t-to m-me ko-kookie and I- it  was bre-breaking me. Ev-ever since we go-got bac-back you never ga-gave me yo-your att-attention at-at aa-all. Tha-thats why I started to- to threaten to ki-kill my-myself"

" Bu-but no-now- I am wi-willing to cha-change- I ca-cant lose y-yo-you ag-again koo-kookie please " he cried griping Jungook's hands.

" I- I am sorry Taehyung- I ca-cant" he cried loudly on Jungook chest still mumbling no, no. Jungook wrap his arms around his frame.

But little bit of weight on his shoulders is gone. Only the burden of hurting his lover- Jimin, the sadness he caused to him is only left on his shoulders.

He pull away and cupped his cheeks wiping his tears with his thumbs.

" Jungook- pl-please" he kiss Taehyung's cheek giving him a light peck then, slowly go to the door with Taehyung clutching on his shirt.

" No!! Please don't ! If you really love me, you won't go out of the door" Jungook gulped harshly , without any hesitation he turn the door knob, hear Taehyung gasp. He walk out of the room jogging, to be away from his house a little .

He run faster hearing Taehyung's footsteps behind him and shouting out his name. With fast moves, he is out of the house and now on the street breathing heavily. He see Taehyung on the balcony crying.

" Come back here!!! Jungook!!!" Jungook cried silently running away .

" YOU BELONG TO ME!! I WILL NEVER LET YOU GOOO!!!! JUNGOOOK!!!" Jungook cry and cry and cry till he can't see anything because of so much blurriness in his eyes, but still running so fast

He breath heavily, and stopped running catching his breath. He is now away from his house only on the quite dark street , nothing could be heard but only his heartbeat and heavy breath also hicupping.

" Jungook!!" His breath hitched when he hear Taehyung shouting his name but bit far. Shit, he is following him. He started running again fast hoping to go far away from his neighborhood.


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