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Author's pov


" Why is he doing this to me?" Jimin mumble standing infront of Yoongi's door, hesitating to knock actually.

He didn't like how Yoongi was ignoring him after yesterday's little argument between them. Since then Yoongi left , he came back in the middle of the night obviously ignoring the younger.

It made Jimin hurt that Yoongi is mad at him. He is just hoping he would talk things out.

He sigh and knock three times waiting for Yoongi to open up but that didn't happen. So he opened the door and peek his little head to see Yoongi sleeping.

He smiled and walk in to open up the windows since it is so hot , along with the curtains and climb the bed.

" Hyung?" He whisper shaking Yoongi's body.

Yoongi groaned, shaking his head causing Jimin to giggle.

" Hyung, come on wake up" he slap his chest and that made him open his eyes and whine.

" Wwhyy~?" Jimin laughed and climbed off the bed and went to sit down on the small brown couch.

" Can we talk?" He ask seeing Yoongi looking at him. Yoongi finally sit up and look at Jimin while ruffling his messy hair.

Yoongi's silence made him so nervous. But today he need to talk to his friend. He missed him so much.

" I am sorry Hyung. Yes, I disappointed you a lot , and I know i shouldn't have jump in the relationship so quick" Yoongi scoff rolling his eyes.

" But you have....." He say and Jimin look down . Yoongi's dark gaze scare him a lot.

" I couldn't control the feeling I was having towards him. Hyung I- I just couldn't. All this years, these past years no one caught my attention at all, but when my eyes landed on Jungook..... oh.... I felt like the whole world just stopped." He say smiling at the his lap as he remember Jungook's doe eyes.

Yoongi see how Jimin's eyes sparkles when he talk about this Jungook guy. Guess he really need to accept this  , because his friend looks so happy.

" I hear you , blah blah blah okay. I understand you Jimin, and I am willing to give you my support " He say and smile at the younger. Jimin smiled widely, fanning his face while looking up the ceiling.

" The fuck?" Yoongi say laughing at Jimin's actions.

" Ugh, I am trying to not let my tears fall hyung" Jimin laugh also.

" But I need to meet up with Jungook, and have a friendly talk with him.... ask him what kind of a person he is" Yoongi say and Jimin nod at him.

" Okay but as long as you don't be rude to him" Yoongi nod but this wasn't feeling making Jimin to belive him.

He know that Yoongi is so over protective to him , but nonetheless he hope that things go well.


Jungook's pov

Today it's the day I should be happy  , but guess what? I am not .

Finally I have my own tattoo shop and I am really shocked that.... few people have came already. People have recognized it and I should be so happy but no.

I wish I was never at party. What was even wrong with me? How ca-

I bit my lower lip to not cry. This is not the time Jungook.

I was drawing a sketch but then I hear the door opening causing me to look and what I saw made me want to run away and never come back


Who even told him where my shop is? Cause Jin doesn't- Oh of course it's Namjoon. Fuck , he just can't keep quite does he?

He close the door and turn to me smiling shyly, and so I have to act up I forced a small smile to him.

" H-hi Jungook" He say fiddling with his fingers.

" Jimin" I say with gritted teeth.

" Are you here to get a tattoo?" He look up and shake his head with wide eyes.

" What brought you here then?" I say crossing my arms on my chest raising an eyebrow to him. His eyebrows furrows at me.

" I... is it wrong to come here and see you?" He ask with a small voice , with his widen eyes.

Jungook keep yourself calm. Just calm down and act along. But at the same time I want to tell him the truth.

" No, not at all. " I say showing my fake smile and he smiled, shyly looking down.

" Uh.... how was your day so far?" He ask and this time without stuttering. Oh please don't tell me you are getting comfortable with me.

" Pretty tiring " I say shortly, looking down at my sketch just to avoid his face. I am sorry but by just looking at him... kinda gives me a headache  .

" Ohh.... mine was good also. Today we were writing Life Sciences " Uh, I didn't even ask you so why the fuck you are telling me this?

" Oh , how did you write?" He giggle causing me to look to his how his eyes got glossy.

The fuck? Why would he be so sensitive? God help me.

" I enjoyed the test. I really did" He say nodding making me also nod at him.

After that none of us dared to say something. I can feel how his eyes are on me . Inside I am super annoyed and ready to spat at him but I had.... to... like I had to keep my face straight.

" Am I boring you Jungook?" I look up raising an eyebrow at him. He just look at me waiting for my answer.

" No, no why would you think like that?"  Oh only if you knew how annoying you are.

" Well, i came to see you and it seems like you are not happy. Are you really serious about this? I mean , if not then better tell me before I get hurt at the end Jungook" He say, with his big glossy puppy eyes looking at me.

His leg kept bouncing while he keep fiddling with his fingers.

" I am sorry Jimin...... its not like I am not happy to see you. " I say putting my sketch down and went to him.

Hmm , I hate that I am about to do this.

I walk closer to him and hug his small frame and roll my eyes. His hair is near my nose.... and I am really surprised with how good it smells.

Eww, eww don't ever think like that.

" I am not feeling good today. I am determined of continuing this, so stop hurting yourself. " I say and cupped his cheeks to stare at his eyes. But I knew I can't, I can't keep the eye contact with his blue eyes.

I want to see the green ones.

I close my eyes and kiss his forehead  . I look at him and he smiles looking down.

Yeah, better keep your head down so that I couldn't look at that face. I bit my lower lip, closing my eyes and rest my chin on his hair.

Taehyung please come back. Things are getting really hard for me.

Hey guys.

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