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In the abandoned stadium in the Yokai world, The alien took Gloien to a throne that is made of stone. Somehow, she pampered him instead of trapping him in a cage by giving him tea, and Lofty give him food.
"Is it true? She caused the storm?" Gloien asked.
"Yes." Lofty replied and sat next to him.
"Why!? Don't you realize you took my friends away from us!" Gloien shouted at the alien who made her face look calm instead of distorted.
"Your friends don't understand about us." She replied.
"What do they mean that you look exactly like me?" Gloien asked.
The alien sighed, "You really wanna know where you come from?"
"I don't care! I'm with a monster who used me as his energy source to steal everything! Thank goodness is over and my life is fine." Gloien said.
"Well... you never know about your family. You want to know about it?" The alien asked.
"No... I'm raised by humans and they loved me regardless." Gloien crossed his arms then asked, "Who are you anyway?"
"I'm Solaria. Now, let me tell you a story." The alien then told her story, "There's a home in the Yokai world that is an alien-like ghost. We glow based on emotions and are made of electric energy. They also can share dreams and memories by connecting their antennas. There's a family who technically owns the world and they expected a second child. Baby aliens are born in an egg so they have not hatched yet. When the family got their egg, their first child is happy to know they are having a little brother or sister. Then suddenly, darkness came and a monster came to wipe out their home. The child ran out to look for their parents while taking the egg with them. The child spotted their parents' bodies. Then just as they going to walk them up, a monster came to get the child and the egg but then the monster knock them out than right before the child passed out, the monster took the egg and told them, 'This energy belongs to me... Abigor.' Then that is it."
After Solaria told the story, Gloien's face looked distraught and horrified. He got quiet then finally spoke, "Abigor took... a second child..."
"My little sibling," Solaria said as she started to cry.
Gloien heard it and that voice is the same as his dream, "Your little sibling?"
"Yes. It seems that Abigor has been defeated years ago and I found my sibling who is alive and it turns out it's a boy but he's didn't develop his eyes which resulted in him being blind." Solaria continued, "Sadly he didn't remember me..."
Gloien paused when she describes her sibling that is reminded of himself, "Wait... don't tell me..."
"I'm... I'm your older sister." Solaria said.

Shockness came out of Gloien when he heard that sentence. He shook his head in denial, "No... I know I don't know about my biological parents but a SISTER!? Why don't you look for me until now!?"
"I was so young at the time and I needed revenge to take down Abigor but I'm not strong enough but then I spotted the gem and it said it will give me the power so others will fear me," Solaria replied.
"Then she met me and decided to take down anyone who might take away from her by capturing humans!" Lofty told the rest of the story.
"How could you!? Not only do you take away my friends and their siblings but the humans in the dimensional universe. Even my family!?" Gloien yelled.
"I'm your family! Now we can finally rule our new world since our home is a wipeout. You and me. We can be the siblings who can take down anyone!" Solaria grinned evilly.
"No!" Gloien screamed. Solaria uses her antennas to connect to Gloien's. Then a flash came into Gloien's mind.

Is a flashback that is from Solaria's point of view when she was young. She went to the room where the egg is that is Gloien and pats it.
"Little sibling... it's good to be with us..." She said, "mm... maybe a sister would work? But a brother could work..."
Then she felt rumbling and she look around to know what's going on. She grabbed the egg and flew around to look for her parents. While she looks around she hears things smashing and screaming from the outside. When she arrived in the next room, she saw familiar bodies crushed under rubble.
"M-mom... dad..." Solaria look horrified when she sees them not moving. Then a hand came out of the wall which frightened her. She flew downstairs and went outside to escape.
"You be alright." Solaria said to the egg, "No one won't hurt you.."
"Oh really?" A voice said. Then they knocked her out which made her drop her egg. Then saw a huge figure grab the egg.
"This energy belongs to me... Abigor..." The monster said as he look at the egg.
"No..." Solaria said then she passed.
Gloien screamed when he saw all this so he push Solaria off to unconnect her antennas so he won't see more terrible memories. He tried to calm down then got angry, "You... you..."
"Brother... you must join me... we can take over any world. We can avenge our family. I will give you everything you ever wish for." Solaria begged and put her hand out for him.
Gloien is too angry he didn't respond so he slap her hand, "I would never join you! I know I lost our parents but revenge never solves anything! I never abandoned my friends who have were there for me and my family who raised me! Human or not!"
"Not even to get your own eyes?" Solaria added which Gloien's ears perk up.
"My eyes?" Gloien asked in confusion.
Just as Solaria tried to say something, they hear something outside. She knew they're coming.
"Hey Lofty, make sure you destroy them." She said.
"What! No!" Gloien screamed.
"Got it! New toys here I come!" Lofty flies off happy and takes Anne with her.
"Don't hurt them! Just don't..." Gloien went down to his tail in defeat.
Solaria hugged him by his head, "brother... I can teach you to get your eyes... then you don't need anyone." Then her face became distorted again which shows an evil grin.

Twinklnyan Adventures 5: The Dimensional StormWhere stories live. Discover now