Swords And Forms

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Libranyan and her group are walking through the maze that somehow looks like a forest and is foggy. Libranyan looks scared as she holds her sword in case someone pops out of nowhere.
"Mmm..." Nezuko pats her that everything will be alright.
"Thanks, Nezuko but we will get lost..." Libranyan replied.
"We will find the way. With my sniff and that thing can see through the fog." Tanjiro gesturing to Foxy.
"She's an Artificial Driver!" Rex yelled.
"She's a robot!" Yuganyan corrected her.
"Yuganyan, I can be both. Plus I can find the exit nearby." Foxy said.
"That's impressive, Foxy. Keep going." Smashinyan replied.
"Yes sir." Foxy nodded and lead the way.
Yuganyan heard something and stop there and Mai notice it, "What's wrong, Yuganyan?"
"Felt a presence..." Yuganyan replied.
"Really where?" Flarernyan asked.
"Is coming towards us," Yuganyan responded.
"Wait What!?" Libranyan gasped.
Just then dark spirits appear in front of them and it seems to look exactly like them.
"Gah, they look like us!?" Libranyan screamed.
"We must fight them to pass through here!" Tanjiro said.
"Okay let's do this!" Said Mai as they all got their weapons and fists up to fight.

Libranyan slashes her dark self but it does the same thing but stronger. Nezuko came and kick the dark form but did the same thing.
"Nezuko!" Tanjiro do his technique and it disappeared.
"Gah!" Yuganyan got blown by her dark self but as it was about to finish her, Smashinyan and Mai came and kick it which made it disappear.
"Thanks, brother... you too Mai..." Yuganyan sighed in relief.
"Aww, you're welcome," Mai replied.
"Don't want my little sister getting hurt by the wind." Smashinyan lifts her.
Flarernyan dodges his dark self's moves then blow fire at it and it disappeared, "reminds me of that dark spirit 12 years ago..."
"Yeah, but we got to finish them, or else we're dead," Smashinyan replied.
Rex tried to attack Foxy's dark form but it attacks him without the sword. Foxy tried to attack it but it have no effect.
"This thing copying the damage that I use for the sword," Rex growled.
"How? She didn't have a sword!" Mythra said.
"Impossible!" Foxy use her karate chop to move on it but her dark self grab her and threw her far out then she hits the wall.
"Foxy!" Pyra screamed, "Rex we got to use that power."
"Got it! Ready?" Rex asked.
Pyra and Mythra fused into a different form so do their sword and Rex's clothes. Foxy saw this and look amazed.
"Ok! Let's do this!" Said Rex.
They slash the dark form which is strong but then it did the same damage to Rex and he fell which makes him drop his sword.
"Rex!" Pneuma screamed as she pick him up. His sword slides next to Foxy. She notices it and looks at it for a moment before she grabs it. The ether begins to flow into her as she stands up.

"Foxy?" Rex is confused.
Suddenly she starts to transform into a different form that looks like Rex's master driver outfit but in a dress design that comes with an X core crystal. Her hair forms into her long ponytail that is dangling down in the back. She's kinda surprised by this and looks at the sword.
"Foxy changed!?" Libranyan gasped.
"What?" Flarernyan gasped as well.
"She... she can transform..." Smashinyan said in awe.
"But how?" Yuganyan asked.
"Foxy? But how?" Rex got speechless by Foxy's appearance as she went to him.
"Somehow I can gather ether and I become like this. I'm like a blade." Foxy replied.
"Tora must have added ether furnace on you like Poppi... including a core crystal," Pneuma said.
"Yes. Now I have a BLADE form! Now you and me will fight together, Master Rex!" Foxy gives him the sword.
"Right!" Rex nods.
Another shadow came behind them and Foxy slash them along with Rex beside her. Now there's no more of the shadows.
"Great job!" Tanjiro said then look at Foxy, "And nice sword power..." Nezuko looked excited in her eyes.
"Very beautiful, Foxy." Yuganyan said, "Pokunyan and Pikkunyan will be seeing this."
"Well... Master Pikkunyan will love it more..." Foxy blushed.
"Alright, everyone. There's a path there. We got to hurry to the others." Smashinyan said.
"Come on guys! Hurry!" Flarernyan replied.
Pneuma unfused back to Pyra and Mythra but Foxy stayed in her BLADE form.
Pyra hugged Rex, "that is amazing, Rex..."
"Oh.. thanks Pyra." Rex blushed a little.
"Let's go you two!" Mythra called out. Pyra went ahead but Rex was about to follow her until hear Foxy.
"Rex." She called out.
"What is it, Foxy? We got to go." Rex asked.
"Do you choose Pyra?" Foxy asked.
"Well... yes. Mythra is a good person and a bit touchy but Pyra is a nice and caring person." Rex answered.
"Is it what love is? Choosing the right person?" Foxy asked.
"Well yeah. Someone who cares about you. Is it what those Yokai do when they find love?" Rex asked.
Foxy got quiet for a moment but Rex continued, "Also when it comes to someone who cares about you, they keep their promises of being there for them just like Pyra and Mythra said they are back for me."
"Promise. Promise they you keep their word? Is both bondage of partners." Foxy replied.
"Yes, that is what it is," Rex replied.
"Promise. Can Rex promise me something?" Foxy asked.
"What is it?" Rex responds.
"If we all can't win, I will do anything to save you and everyone. That includes me saving you and my masters." Foxy said.
Rex got confused about what she said, "You will save us?"
"I will do anything to protect you and everyone. Everything. Promise me you be safe with my friends and my masters." Foxy said.
"I promise. I will be safe with everyone if you do anything to protect us." Rex replied.
Foxy smiled and hugs him, "thank you, Master Rex..."
Rex hugs her back, "I'm not your master..."
"Rex! Foxy! Come on!" Pyra shouted.
"Coming!" Rex shove Foxy off and ran off while he's blushing. Foxy smiled and follow the others to the next path.

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