Brand New Oni

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"Is it okay?" A girl asked when she look at Orga who is passed out.
"I'm not sure..." the second one replied then poke her.
Orga groans for a moment and got up, "Ugh... where am I?"
"Oh is a she? She must be new here." A girl replied.
Orga looked up to see two girls looking down at her. One of them looks a bit like a fox and another one looks like a tanuki.
Orga stared at them for a moment then realized something then started to scream. The two girls screamed as well then did it back and forth then suddenly someone grab Orga. It's a human man with a collar.
"Gah put me down!" Orga yelled.
"Shirou, stop it! She might be a beastmen." The tanuki told him.
"Are you sure? She didn't look like an animal..." A man called Shirou replied as he look at Orga a bit.
"She could." The fox girl chimed in.
Shirou put Orga down to let her talk, "Alright. Where you come from?"
"Okay... I don't know what the hell is going on but I'm not a beastmen or whatever. I'm an oni!" Orga said angrily.
"Calm down... so you got an Oni disease or something." The tanuki girl asked.
"Disease? I'm born an oni. Sometimes we are rare species of Yokai." Orga replied.
"Yokai disease?" The fox girl got confused.
"No..." Orga sighed.
"Mm... maybe we should show her to the mayor. She might know what it is." Tanuki girl said to her human friend.
"Alright." Shirou agreed and hold Orga in case she tried to escape.
"Put me down! I can walk you know!" Orga shouted.

At the city hall, Orga is sitting in a chair while both the tanuki girl and her fox friend watch over her.
"Why am I here!?" Orga shouted.
"Don't worry. You not in trouble." The fox girl calmed her down.
"Yeah right because this is all a big misunderstanding. I did not come and get you guys." Orga scoffed.
Just then, a woman that looks a bit like a mole rat came to see Orga, she looks at her at the moment and smile.
"Mayor Rose. Is she a Beastmen?" Shirou asked.
"She more like a ghost," Rose replied.
"Ghost?" Tanuki girl is confused.
"Yeah, an old type of ghost creature called an Oni! And these ghosts are called Yokai." Orga said.
"Yokai?" The fox girl is confused as well.
"Mm... so where do you come from?" Rose asked.
"Well... a big storm sucks me, my friend, and other Yokai into it and must have separate us," Orga explained.
"A storm sucks people into different places?" The tanuki girl replied, "I think you are in our home."
"Yeah... now I got to know where Sharla is..." Orga sighed.
"Mm... it is alright... we will know about that storm you mentioned. Until then, you can stay here in Anima City.." Rose said.
"Anima City?" Orga got confused.
"Yeah, this is where beastmen lived and sometimes become human." The tanuki girl replied, "I can let you live with me."
"Alright. My name is Orga by the way." Orga joins in with the girls who are taking her to her new home.
"I'm Michiru." The tanuki girl introduced herself, "this is my friend, Nazuna."
"Great to meet you, Orga." Nazuna greeted.
"Likewise." Orga smiled.
Rose and Shirou watch them walking away as thought about Orga and the storm.
"That storm... how could it suck anyone in... is it a tornado?" Mayor asked.
"I'm not too sure... but I had a feeling someone just caused it to ruin our home," Shirou answered.

That night, Orga, Michiru, and Nazuna are having a slumber party in Michiru's room. They're talking and listening to music.
"So what song is this?" Orga asked them.
"Night Running," Michiru replied.
"Is our greatest song!" Nazuna then humming along with the song.
"Wow, I got to show it to Sharla if I find her," Orga said but she got saddened.
"Seems like you guys are great friends," Nazuna said.
"Yeah... my first friend who understands me," Orga replied.
"How you guys met?" Michiru asked.
"Well, online. I love technology and bought my first computer with my own money when I was helping the ones in my hometown. My father and brothers are supportive of my hobbies and that and strength will help the future. I met Sharla online and we talked about things. I told her about my weight problems and well... my form." Orga explained.
"Form?" Michiru asked.
"Well... as a Yokai, we get our Shadowside forms. We usually get them when you're an adult but for me, I got it early, and well is very different than I usually look. But Sharla is so understanding, unlike people I met in my old school." Orga continues, "I'm overweight and kids teased me, and is so stressful! But when I got my scholarship to the Yokaisona Academy, I need a fresh start and meet a character who loves for me. When I told Sharla about it, she is also going to the Academy and we are meeting each other in person."
"Wait, you sure Sharla is real when you text her?" Nazuna asked.
"Yeah, we took pictures and show it. And true enough, she is like her picture and we become friends but we are in different classes but we're roommates." Orga finished her story.
"Wow. Such a nice story. Glad you have a friend who likes you for who you are. I like Nazuna for loving her passions." Michiru replied.
"And I like Michiru for her basketball," Nazuna replied.
"And baseball!" Michiru exclaimed.
"Well, I met more friends and... a crush..." Orga blushed.
"Oooh, who is it? Is he handsome?" Nazuna asked.
"I'm not telling! But he didn't know me well..." Orga said quietly.
"We'll hope that guy loves you for you," Nazuna replied.
"Yeah, don't be afraid of anyone who judged you. I think your shadowside form or something will be great." Said Michiru. Orga thought about it but then, a woman open the door in a panic.
"Melissa? What's wrong?" Michiru asked.
"Shirou needs your help. He's outside." Melissa answered.
"Ok, I'm on it. Wait right there, girls." Michiru quickly ran off.
"I got to help her," Orga said.
"No, Orga. We got to stay here. You don't know what's out there." Nazuna said.
"No... she told me to not be afraid of being judged so I must save her," Orga said then she start to change herself. Her appearance looks slim and skinny also showed her well-shaped eyes.
"O...Orga..." Nazuna gasped.
"I will be back with Michiru..." Orga said. His voice is a bit soothing but the same. She went out of the window and find Michiru.
"Woah..." Nazuna is in awe that she didn't stop them.
In the city, Shirou and Michiru are finishing off the bad guys who are robbing the bank. One of the bad guys is about to hit Shirou but suddenly a bat hits the bad guy on the head that knocks him out.
"What?" Shirou is confused and looks up at the new Orga. Michiru look up as well and smiled to know is Orga.
"I'm proud of her..." she said. Orga smiled back and join in with them for the battle.


(Michiru and Orga came out the comic)

Michiru: Wow! Orga, your shadowside form is... different.

Orga: you can say is a skinny lose weight kind of shadowside. I don't want to draw attention to the guys or the girls because they might get me for stealing the boys.

Michiru: well you have Sharla by your side because she know about that.

Orga: yeah but I rather be teased for being fat.

Michiru: uhhh... okay. Now is time for Dimensional-Era Secret Headcanon, I think Orga used her shadowside form to pretend to talk to her crush.

Orga: -blush red- GAH WHY!?

Michiru: hey everyone want to know.

Orga: but not about Flarernyan...

Michiru: so that's his name.

Orga: Ugh anyway, I'm busy helping her and Shirou with the bad guy business. Let's move on to the next one. Chapter 9: The Ninja Wind Nyan. That middle schooler nyan is going to a new place to shine her moves.

Michiru: See ya!

(To be Continued)

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