15: Visiting and Leaving

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When I got home the dorm was so quiet. Then I saw Hoseok go down the stairs. He dragged me out the dorm without even asking me.

"Yah! What's your problem?" I asked as he let go of his wrist.

"Jimin. We have to talk. I can't take seeing Taehyung like this anymore. He's so miserable, but then, he admitted it." He said seriously.

"Admitted what?" I asked giving him a confused look.

"He confessed to me that he missed you, he loved you and he looks so miserable. When I got home, I heard him sobbing again, crying himself to sleep. This was the most I've seen a person so miserable and I can't take it. I think its the time to forgive him now because seriously, he's falling apart." He said almost as miserable as Taehyung.

"I can't just do it out of the blue, Hoseok, I need to find the right time to tell him, a day that when I tell him, he'll be happy." I explained. He just sighed and nodded in understanding.

"Okay fine, you have to make it quick, seriously." He rushed.

"Okay I'll try my best." I said.


I decided to visit Taehyung today and check if he was okay because I know he's been crying about Jimin the past days. I'd always see his dace so haggard and his eyes always so puffy and red when he goes to school.

I went over to their dorm and knocked on the door. I heard some shuffling of the steps and the door opened, revealing Jimin.

"H-hey." I stuttered forcing a smile.

"Hey." He also forced a smile. "Are you here for Taehyung?" He asked.

"Uhh... Yeah. Is he okay?" I asked. I mentally facepalmed myself for asking that. Of course he isn't.

"Uhm... I guess." He averted his face and scratched his neck. "But he's asleep right now, do you want to wait until he wakes up?"

"Yeah, sure." I nodded and he led me inside. I sat on their couch and waited for a good thirty minutes until Taehyung came down, just awakening from his sleep. His sleepy eyes made his way to me. I slightly smiled at him and he smiled too.

"Hiya Jeongguk! Nice to see you here, I missed you." He smiled, trying to be ecstatic, but failed still. At least his smile wasn't forced. He walked over to me and hugged me. Its as if he was never hurt. The air felt awkward. I could feel Jimin's eyes staring at us intently from my peripheral view. Don't tell me he was jealous! This wasn't the time to be jealous. And he got the wrong person to be jealous of too. Aish, this boy.

"Nice to see you too Taehyung. I hope you're doing fine and your bruises are still kinda visible considering its already been a week since that fight." I pointed out.

He looked at himself taking notice of the bruises on his body. Maybe he didn't notice because he could care less about himself and care more about Jimin. Not that I'm saying its such a bad thing, but its not a good thing either.

"Oh yeah... Haha... Well, I'm not really physically fit for fights. Maybe for sports, but not fighting. Actually, this is my first time getting into a fight." He admitted, laughing slightly. I was surprised that this is the first time he got into a fight. To be honest, I always thought he was the kind who was a fighter because he looked really tough, but sometimes looks deceive.

"That's why its still there." I nodded in understanding.

"Yup." He said popping the 'p'. "So how are you? Precisely, you and you-know-who." He whispered the last one to me. I groaned. He really had to bring up YoonGi didn't he?

"Ugh... I don't know. Really. To be honest I didn't think he'd last a week without having sex, particularly with me, but not that, he also didn't talk to me the whole week so it was so awkward. I really hate it. I don't what they guy's problem is. He's an annoying little shit." I scoffed.

"Well I know that, but him lasting a week without sex? That's ridiculous. Or..." He trailed off and he suddenly stood up, his eyes flaming with rage. "Don't tell me that bastard touched my sister?!" He fumed.

I was in thought. I mean that could be possible. But I think YoonGi wouldn't be able to do that or could he? Or at least Taehyung's sister wouldn't have done that right??

"I wouldn't think your sister would let him touch her." I argued. Then he calmed down also thinking that his sister couldn't have done it.

"Yeah, you're right." He sighed and sat back down.

"Well, I gotta go, its running late, I just wanted to see how you're doing." I said. "Okay, bye." I bid goodbye to everyone and went back to my dorm.

As I got back to my dorm, I met with YoonGi leaned on the side of the door as if waiting for me. I just brushed him aside, but he caught my wrist. I shook it rather violently, but he didn't budge.

"What is you're damn problem?? Let me go!" I shrieked and glared at him.

"What's your problem?" He just argued calmly.

"You! You're my problem! And I would very much like all my problems to go away thank you very much!" I snorted.

"Well, I'm gonna tell you that your problems are going away since I'm going to America tomorrow. I'm moving out tonight. I just wanted to stop by and say goodbye, but it seems like I'm too much trouble for you, I shouldn't have gone." He explained.

I felt my breath hitch. Was he leaving? I could feel tears threatening to fall down, but I just couldn't let him see me crying because he was gonna go.

"Then go! I don't care! I was just a one-night stand anyways!" I shouted.

"Tell me, would someone else sleep with a guy over and over again if I thought they were only a one-night stand?" He explained with all seriousness. "Well, I know it didn't mean anything to you, but I want you to know that it actually meant something to me." He said and kissed me on the forehead. He left me there standing speechless.

He was going to leave?

I felt hot streams of tears run down my face. I fell down to my knees and all I knew was to cry. I was crying there until Taehyung came in.

"Hey Jeongguk I forgot to------" he was cut in mid sentence and ran to me hugging me. "Hey, hey its okay..." He hushed. All I knew was just cry in his arms.

He was leaving. He was leaving. He was leaving. Was all that I could think of.

"Hey Jeongguk, what happened?" Taehyung asked.

"H-he's l-leav-ving." I stuttered through my cries.

"Who is?"

"Y-yoonGi.... Y-yoonGi i-is l-leav-ving."

Yes, YoonGi is leaving.

Hiya! Yes okay an update! Yayyyy!!! I'm so mean to Jungkook really huhu (╥_╥) I'm so sorry Jungkook. But yeah! I might update another chapter today, but it might just be short... Just to satisfy this chapter... A little... By after that its about Taehyung and Jimin, well yeah I'm still thinking about how to do it, but I'll update real soon! Or maybe even later! Yeah... I wanna hear your thoughts about this chapter so please feel free to comment! Thanks for reading! See y'all soon!

Sydney (●♡∀♡)

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