Extra: He Never Noticed

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"Please... Go out with me." A slightly shorter and a cute girl said to me. This.... This girl is....

"Kim Yuni, right?" I asked. She nodded happily as she heard that I knew her name.

"Okay... I'll go out with you." I smiled. She squealed happily and hugged.

"Thank you, Jimin!! I'm so happy!" She squealed.

I wasn't really one for using people, but I had to. I needed to. She's the person that's related to my very first love. As cheesy as it may sound for a playboy, its true, I'm in love with someone. But it isn't a girl. Yes, this playboy is gay for someone.

I thought that maybe, if his sister and I could get close, I would get closer to him as well.

Since we started dating, Yuni regularly brought me over to her table, meaning Taehyung was there, too. While Yuni kept on blabbering about random things, I just kept my eyed on Taehyung, watching his every move. He wasn't much, but that's what I liked about him. He didnt stand out much, he never trued to get anyone's attention and just kept quiet. But little did he know that by being so simple, he got my attention. And to add to that, he was really hood looking.

"Excuse me. Is there something on my face?" He suddenly questioned snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"You've been staring at me for an awefully long time. Didn't your parents tell you that its rude to stare?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Ohhh... Ahaha... I'm sorry." I laughed nervously and quickly apologized. He just rolled his eyes and went back to the book he was currently reading.

"Is something wrong, Jiminnie?" Yuni asked, concerned.

"Ahhh... Nothing, baby, continue with what you were saying." I just said.m and at my peripheral view, I saw Taehyung shudder at the mention of 'baby'.

Yuni just talked and talked, but it seems like nothing she was saying was processing in my mind. Its been filled with Taehyung lately.

Finally, break was over and we bade each other our goodbyes. I even said goodbye to Taehyung, he just waved his hand.

"Hey, Jiminnie, go to my house later, alright?" Yuni cheered.

"Alright." I chuckled and ruffled get hair.

"Yah." She pouted and fixed her hair again. "Bye~" she said one last time and left with Taehyung.

I went back to my room and sat down next to my best friend, Myungsoo.

"Hey, someone looks happy." He teased.

"What? I'm not." I defensively said.

"What? Finally got your dream boy to go out with you?" He whispered. Of course, he's my best friend, how could he not know?

"No, but his sister invited me over to their house." I grinned.

"Oh really? Well then good luck. Don't be naughty." He joked. We both laughed.


Yuni came to pick me up in my room. We went out of the building complex and saw Taehyung waiting for us BG the gate. He was still reading and was now listening to music in his iPod.

"Yah, oppa, let's go!" Yuni yelled at Taehyung, which startled him a little.

"Yah! I told you not to scare me like that!" He scolded.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. C'mon, let's go! Mom said she made pie!" Yuni squealed. We both followed her to her home. It wasn't really that far from here, so I wasn't really that tired.

"Mom! We're home!" Yuni yelled through the house.

"Oh! Welcome home Yuni and Taehyung." Their mother greeted and went into the foyer. "Oh and who's this young man?" She asked and smiled.

"Oh! He's a friend of ours." Yuni smiled innocently. Hmmm... Odd.l, but I didn't question it either.

"Ahh, well, nice to meet you, young man. What's your name?" Their mom asked.

"Oh, its Park Jimin, Mrs. Kim." I introduced and bowed.

"Ahhh, Jimin, okay." She smiled. "You're just in time. I made pie." She led us into the dining room, smelling the pie.

Mhmm.... It smells delicious.

I sat down beside Yuni while Taehyung sat down on the seat across me.

"Here ya go. Please enjoy." Their mom chirped and disappeared from the dining room. We ate in complete silence, except for the clanking of the utensils on the plates.

I watched Taehyung and he was just listening to music and reading again. Isn't he getting tired?

"Hey, Jiminnie, are you okay?" Yuni pouted.

"Uhm... Yeah." I smiled and continued eating the pie.

"So how's the pie?" She asked.

"Its great, your mom's a great baker. I bet she's also good in cooking." I complimented.

"Yeah she totally is." She cheered and took another piece of pie.

Taehyung got up, his pie already finished and going up to his room silently.

"Is your brother always like that?" I finally asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah.... Well not entirely, he's still got that doting side and that cute side of his. He just doesn't show it around other people. He's like that when there's other people in the house." She explained. My mouth just shaped an 'o' in understanding and just started finishing my pie.

(End of school year)

"Yuni. I'm breaking up with you." I said emotionlessly. We were at the school's rooftop.

"W-what?" She asked nervously.

"You heard me. I don't need to say it twice." I said coldly.

"B-but why?" She asked her eyes already teary.

"Because I'm tired of you already." I lied. Its not because I'm tired of her. I've actually come to know her and she's really nice, but now its the end of the school year and I don't think Taehyung and I will get closer than staring buddies.

"Jimin! I gave you everything! Why are you doing this to me!? I love you so much yet its not enough for you?! You are so despicable!" She shrieked and pounded on my chest.

I just stood there emotionlessly while she kept pounding on my chest. When she got tired of it, she huffed, "I hate you, Park Jimin." And ran away with tears on her face.

Its no use. Whatever I do I'll never get noticed, now that I've broken it off with his sister. I don't have any chance with him anymore.

In fact, I don't think I even had a chance with him.

Yoooooo~ here's the extra of Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung!!! Of course you'll know what happens next!!! The next and last extra will be Jiyong's and Seunghyun's. Hope you liked it! Bye~

Sydney \(^▽^@)ノ

How to Make the Playboy Fall In Love (Vmin)(#Wattys 2015) ✔Where stories live. Discover now