18: For Real

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Aish, where did that boy run off too? Its almost night and I haven't seen him yet!

I didn't want Taehyung to cry on his birthday. I don't know what happened, I thought it would turn out perfectly, but it just did the opposite. It even made him think that way. I don't care if its his fault, I just really really wanted to say sorry because I could say I was at some faults too.

But now, I was happy at the same time because he finally admitted that he loved me. I don't want to see him get hurt, but he already is.

I think this break-up has even made much more impact to him than to me, considering all the hospital rushes every time Hoseok saw him lying unconscious on the bathroom floor in a puddle of blood. I wasn't saying I've moved on because I wouldn't do this if I had moved on.

Taehyung where are you? Please be okay.

I figured out he wasn't in the campus considering I've been searching in there for the past one and a half hour. I called the others to help when I couldn't find him in the campus. I continued walking down in the city lights and busy streets. I called the others, asking if they've already seen Taehyung, but they all said no.

Where could I find this boy?

I passed by a local park with a playground in it. I saw a lonely boy there swinging by himself. I slowly walked to him to see if my hunch is right. When I got closer slowly, I heard soft sobs coming from the boy.

"Taehyung?" I asked shakily. He looked up in surprise, tears still falling down.

"J-jimin? What are you doing here?" He said sniffling. I sat down on the swing beside him and started to swing, too.

"I'm here for you, Taehyung."

He didn't say anything. He just quietly sobbed and stared at me with tired eyes, saying that he cried the whole afternoon. I wiped my thumb over his cheek again, wiping the tears I away.

"Taehyung, please don't cry anymore. I don't want to see you cry anymore. You told me you loved me and I'm so happy, Taehyung. So happy that you've finally told me that you really love me. I wanted this day to be special. I asked your sister when your birthday was and she said it was today. I waited for three months before pulling this off, because the day I get you back is a day that will be special for you, but it seems like it was the opposite of that." I frowned.

"No! Jimin, it's special for me. So special. I finally got to tell you how I feel. I'm just scared I would hurt you and I wouldn't get another chance anymore once I did. So I didn't take it. Jimin I love you so much. Much more than I thought I would." He admitted.

"Taehyung, I would rather see you happy than to care of my own feelings. You know it killed me whenever we would rus you to the hospital. I swore I would try to keep you safe from harm, even from harming yourself, but I've let that slip so many times you could've died. I'd rather care about you more than my own self. That's how much I love you Kim Taehyung."

"Jimin..." Was all he could say. I stood up and walked over to him. I laid out my hand in front of him for him to take. He took it and I pulled him into a long warm hug. He fit perfectly in my arms and I wish he felt the same. I love this boy so much.

"Kim Taehyung, I love you. So much." I whispered to his ear.

"I love you, too, Park Jimin." He said back.

"Will you be my boyfriend? For real?"
"Yes, I will."

Hi! Okay I updated another chapter, but it's just short, a continuation to the other. AND ITS THE END I'M SO SORRY haha just kidding! Well, unless you want this hell to end I could end it... NAH apparently I still have some more chapters for you, so I'm sorry to disappoint you that this ISN'T the end. So apparently, I wasn't good at cliffhanging people because I was cliffhanged myself. I'd be excited to update a new chapter after that cliffhanger. Like seriously, who gets cliffhanged by their own stories? Well, anyways... I'm so happy Jimin and Taehyung are back together, FOR REAL!! Well anyways, hope you liked it and please don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks for reading! Luv ya!

Sydney (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)

How to Make the Playboy Fall In Love (Vmin)(#Wattys 2015) ✔Where stories live. Discover now