Chapter 1

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I will be calling every cookie by what they are, for example, Latte cookie would just be Latte, Espresso cookie will just be Espresso.


The sun was bright today, the perfect day to go outside. You look out the window and examine the area. Suddenly, you remember you had a meeting to go to! You quickly get up and get ready. Today of all days you ended up being late to the meeting. You ran to the castle and greeted the Knights then quickly ran inside. Espresso gave you that grin he always gives. "I told you she would be late today." he states.

"Oh shush Mr. I-need-coffee-or-I'll-die. I bet that's your 5th one already this morning." you counter.

"Actually, it's my 6th." he corrects you.

"Let me look for where I asked." you say as you begin looking around. "It appears I cannot find where I asked."

He chuckles and replies with, "What's got you so cranky this morning? Didn't sleep? I never do so toughen up, sweetheart." You scoff, not happy with the name he addressed you as.

"At least I'm not on the verge of death from coffee."
you say and walk past him, greeting Madeleine.

"I see someone's upset. Is Espresso bothering you?" Madeleine asks.

"Yeah. Take care of your boyfriend." you say and walk past. You smirk to yourself, knowing the both of them were a blushing mess. You find Custard in a separate room. "Hey Custard."

"Y/n! Hello! Look what I found!" He gives you something. It was a huge silver sword with red gems imprinted on it. Where could he have found this?

"This looks dangerous. May I take it?" you ask.

"Of course! Here." he says as he hands you the sword. It was sharp and looked like it was just cleaned. Looked like something Dark Enchantress would have stored away.

"Where did you find this?" you ask.

"I found it outside the castle when I was exploring. It's really pretty and that's why I thought you would like it!" Custard smiles.

"Aww you didn't have to. I'm gonna go see if I can find the owner of this sword. It looks pretty valuable. I would hate to have it stolen if it were mine." you say. He nods and you stand up. You say your goodbyes and you head off, carrying the sword on your shoulder.

"Where might you be going?" Espresso asks.

"Well, since I missed the meeting, I'm gonna do some exploring, find out who owns this sword. It's pretty cool." you state.

"Be careful. There are still enemies walking about. Don't get killed." Madeleine says.

"No promises." You smile. And with that, you left. You bow to the Knights at the entrance. You were glad you had brought some stamina jellies with you. You might need them later.

~Time skip~

After what seemed like hours of traveling you decided it would be best to take a break. It was starting to get dark, already. You set up a small camp and started a fire, watching the sun go down. You grabbed the sword and examined it further. You heard a crack and instantly hid. The fire was the only noise you heard now, that was, until you heard breathing from behind you. You attempt to attack them with the weapon. They had vanished from your sight. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way." It grew quiet again. No movements could be heard. It appears they had fled. "Good grief..." you sit back down. Another 10 minutes sitting in front of the fire and you were about to fall asleep. You blew out the fire and went into your tent. You lay down and almost immediately fall asleep, forgetting that you were being watched.

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now