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This is a timeskip lol. I've been busy so I don't have time to write another smut chapter. My apologies! Anyway, enjoy~
Also G/n (girl name) B/n (boy name) Yes you get to name them.

After a couple of years, you and Velvet had nursed, not one, but two children. G/n looked just like Velvet and B/n looked like you but with Velvet's hair color. They were absolutely adorable. They were the most precious things to you in the entire world. You could never ask for something more valuable and amazing as them. And your husband of course. After the two of you had gotten married, you had your "trusted" friends watch over them. That being a certain himbo and coffee addict. Right now, you and Velvet were alone. Just talking. Relaxing. Holding each other. "Do you ever contemplate life and just ask, 'Am I good enough?'" you ask him.

"Of course you are, love. I always ask the same thing. It's the good in you that can bring people the most joy." he replies. You take a moment to process that.

"Huh. Okay." was all you said. He chuckles and holds you tighter, stroking your hair.

"What do you think the kids are doing right now?" he asks.

"Staying out of trouble I hope. We really should have found better people." you giggle. He giggles too, sighing.

"I hope they're okay, otherwise, two people are gonna die today." Velvet says.

"Hey, hey, calm down. They'll be fine." As if on queue you get a phone call. Both of you jolt up and you go to answer it. "Espresso, are you there?"

"Yes, hello. Your kids are beating up Madeleine. What do I do?" Espresso asks. You and Velvet both giggle and sigh in relief.

"Figure it out. Thanks for letting us have some time to ourselves. Now you know our pain of taking care of them. We'll be over shortly."

"Got it, boss." And with that, he hangs up.

"Boss?" Velvet asks.

"I had to be more strict. And I don't need dead bodies in our house because of you." you answer. He gives that smug grin he always gives you and you giggle and peck him on the cheek and walk away. He was a lovestruck buffoon the day he met you. He never said anything about it. Velvet follows you, watching your movements. You stop so suddenly he bumps into you.

"Sorry." he apologizes.

"No need to apologize. It was my fault." You continue and the two of you begin to get your things. He stayed quiet mostly. You were concerned but too afraid to ask. It was probably something he didn't wanna tell you anyway. You and him were ready and headed home.

~Smol timeskip~

The two of you arrived to see the house was, luckily, in perfect condition. You enter and your children instantly latch onto you. "MOMMY!!" they cried.

"Yes, mommy is here. Say hi to daddy too." you say. They let go to go give Velvet hugs too. You approach Madeleine and Espresso. "I take it you two had fun?" They don't respond. They looked miserable. You chuckle and continue, "well, as we agreed upon, here's the money I promised." you hand it to them.

"Thanks.." Espresso says. Madeleine didn't look so great either. "We'll be heading off now..."

"Alright. Take care you guys." And with that, they leave. You instantly sit on the couch and sigh. Your husband and your children come over to you and join you on the couch. You leaned against Velvet, your kids resting on your laps. Eventually, Chiffon and P/n hop over and cuddle too. It was too sudden. Too quick. All these years had passed. The man you swore to kill became your lover, your husband. The monsters you swore destroy, became your pets. What had happened to you? What had happened to reality? Was this all a dream? Surely it was. Hopefully it was. I don't deserve any of this... you thought.

Velvet could tell something was wrong and spoke up, "You look stressed. You can sleep on me. I don't mind. They kids are already asleep somehow.."

"No no, it's not that." you say.

"What is it? Tell me. I'm here and will always be here. You know that." he says to you, hoping to get an answer out of you.

You sigh, "I..." you trail off. "I don't deserve you. I don't deserve any of this. Tell me, is this really real or am I dreaming?"

"Woah. Okay so, yes this is all real. And never say that about yourself ever again. Do I have to show you how much you mean to me because you will be on the floor dying from being tickled." he responds.

"Oh god no. Not the tickles. That's torture."

"You do it to the kids most of the time." he says.

"I'm just trying to make them laugh." you state.

"And I'm not? Just let me-"

You interrupt him, "No or I will scream and the kids will wake up. You don't want that happening now do you?"

"You're a tough negotiator. I know who I married." he says, a sly smirk on his face. You blush a little bit.

"Hmph. You're not funny." you say.

"I know." he says.


He interrupts you with, "I'm hilarious."

"I'm gonna kill myself."

"Hey, now we don't want that. As long as you're here with me then there will be no suicide on my watch. Not even the kids will leave you alone. Think about it." he objects.

"Alright, alright. Fine. I was kidding anyways." 

"Good." he says. And then it got quiet. Neither of you talked. It was a comfortable silence, watching the rise and fall of your children's bodies as they slept. It was beginning to make you tired. You yawn and rest on Velvet again. His grip around you tightened but not too much. He pulled you closer and you quickly fell asleep, hearing a "rest well, my angel" before you did. It didn't take long before, he too, fell asleep, still holding you and your children peacefully in his arms, Chiffon and P/n resting peacefully as well...


Thank you everyone for reading the story. I know it's not much but I certainly enjoyed reading it. I have another story I started making before this one. It's a Genshin story if you're interested. Expect and Ayato or Itto fanfic in the near future. As always, love you all and stay safe!! 🥰

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now