Chapter 11

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Warnings: smut, overstimulation, breeding kink, light bondage, just sex lol, fluff

Part 2
(I love that picture oml- enjoy getting prego for christmas. Speaking of which, merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy the holidays and enjoy whatever you celebrate!)

The smirk he had on his face was driving you crazy. You averted your eyes, you were nervous. "Hey hey." Velvet says, moving your chin towards him. "If you want me to stop, I can. This is entirely your decision, okay? There's no need to be nervous. This is also my first time..." he, too, looked nervous.

"Well, thanks. It made me feel a little better." you thank him.

He smiles, "I'm glad I could help. Now, tell me if it hurts, alright?" You nod in response. He aligns himself against your entrance. You mumble something and he looks back at you with a concerned gaze. "What was that, dear?" he asks.

"Mmm, it's gonna hurt." was all you said.

He smiles, "I'll be gentle. I promise." He gives you a sweet kiss on the forehead and slowly begins to push his length inside of you. Holy shit it hurts like a bitch. Tears started forming in your eyes, catching Velvet's attention. "Hey, it's okay. Think about how good it will feel later." Eventually, he finally stopped, being fully sheathed inside of you. He stays quiet, letting you adjust to his size. It was a huge stretch, but it will be worth it. After what felt like minutes, you nod, a signal for him to move. He pulls back until only the tip is inside of you, thrusting back in. He looked like he was about to lose it. He leans down to your ear, "You're lucky I'm going easy on you. Sooner or later someone will have to break you~"

"W-wha-" you tried to say. "W-what do you mean-?" He only smirks, thrusting into you a bit harder to heat things up. You let out an absolutely pathetic moan. You cover you mouth but Velvet grabs your wrists and pin them above you.

"I have to hear that again." he says, moving faster than before. He earns another moan from you, speeding up his pace. He couldn't take it anymore and started pounding into you at extreme speeds. You swear your legs would be broken after this. You can't help but moan out his name at times. The way you clenched around him was driving him crazy, he couldn't get enough of you. He looked like a starved beast with the way he was looking at you, spearing into you so aggressively. He managed to earn that lovely moan from you again, growling in your ear.

"O-oh god- I-I'm-" you couldn't even finish your sentence when your orgasm hit you, causing you to moan louder than before. He too was close, continuing his brutal pace. The overstimulation was painful, but euphoric. Eventually, he pulled out. "W-why did you-"

"Shhhh. I'm not gonna be done with you for a long, long time." he says. You gulp and stay quiet. "Hmmm...what if I.." he trails off, beginning to lift your legs. He puts you into a mating press position, grinning mischievously.

"I-" he interrupts you with a sharp thrust, groaning quietly.

"Fuck, N/n (nickname). You're so fucking tight~" The way he was talking to you only fueled your lust. He tried to lean down to kiss you, but realized he was about to fold you in half. The both of you were a complete mess at this point. He kept thrusting into you at that same rapid speed. "I can't stop, N/n~ It feels too good~" You felt your second orgasm coming and lost it when he said, "I'm gonna make sure you can't walk tomorrow~. I'll make sure you get pregnant with my child~" You tried to look away but he forced you to look at him. "I'm not gonna miss the face you make." You scream out in pleasure and he groans, once again. "I can't stop moving- it feels so fucking good, but I'm so close~" he manages to say. You bring his face closer to yours and kiss him on the lips, roughly. He grunts and you feel his release at last, his warm seed filling you. You tilt your head back with a moan and, accidentally, nearly suffocate him in your chest.

After what felt like minutes you finally spoke up, "holy shit, that was good.." You thought he passed out because he wasn't answering, then look down at him. His eyes were completely widened and he had the most blush on his face you had ever seen him have. You let go and apologize to him, but he doesn't move.

"L-lets take a break, love." he says to you. He pulls out of you, both your cum and his own spilling onto the bed. He lays down next to you and pulls you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you.

"W-what do you mean a break'?" you ask.

"Heheh. I'm not done with you yet~" he whispers in your ear, causing you to shiver. He bites your earlobe and kisses your neck, pulling away from you. "For now, let's just rest..." You sigh in relief and relax in his arms. You feel his tense body start to calm down. Out of the two of you, you had fallen asleep first. He had helped you by playing with your hair, twirling it in his fingers. Soon, he began to wonder where Chiffon and P/n were at, along with the other cakes. They were probably forming some sort of empire of their own. Oh how those cute cakes grew up so quickly. After a couple of minutes of day dreaming, sleep began to take over his body. He stopped fiddling with your hair and got himself comfortable once again, snuggling his face into you. It took him, not too long, but a while for him to fall asleep, you resting peacefully in his arms.

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now