Special Chapter part 2

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Warnings: smut, cussing, overstimulation, light bondage, ooc?


Velvet drops you on his bed and stares down at you. It was one of his favorite things to do. It showed how scary and dominant he was. You looked so amazing...laying there helplessly, chest heaving. His hands moved to your inner thighs and he massaged the area. One of his hands moves up and he grazes his fingers over your clothed pussy, teasing you. You stifle a moan, covering your mouth. "Hey, what did I say?" he asks, reminding you. You do remember but you don't react, which was a bad decision. "Fine, I'll do it myself." he says and takes his jacket off. He also takes his shirt off, which you could easily get a nosebleed from...any second now. Velvet tosses his clothes to the side and his eyes stay glued to yours. He begins to take his belt off. "Don't move." He ties your hands above your head with his belt. "Now try covering your mouth." You don't budge. He takes this as a sign to continue. "May I?" he asks.

"Go ahead." you respond. He lifts your shirt off and eyes you immensely. You shudder when he licks his lips. He pulls your pants off in one quick motion, leaving you in only two more articles of clothing.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks. (Consent is sexyyy)

"Well, if you're ready, then I am too." you reply with a smile. Oh sweet, innocent Y/n. You had no idea what was coming. (Besides him 😂)

"Then so be it. Backing out isn't an option now, my dear." he says. He unhooks your bra and rubs your nipples. You moan a little bit, causing him to smirk. He leans down, letting go of your breasts. Those piercing eyes stayed on your own as he grabbed you underwear with his teeth. His eyes stayed on you as he slowly slid off your underwear. He sets aside your underwear and retracts his head. He groans at the sight of you. You were already dripping with your own cum. He licks his lips again, leaning down and tasting your soaked entrance. You moan louder as his tongue messes with your clit. You feel his tongue enter your pussy. The pleasure was absolutely heavenly. He moans against your core, sending shockwaves of pleasure, causing you to (already) cum in his mouth. He made sure to lick you clean and not let any juices escape. He pulls away, asking, "How did you cum so fast?"

"Mmm...cause of you, idiot." you say, panting a little. He chuckles and sits up. He was about to speak when you interrupt him, "My turn." He looked a little shocked, his pants becoming tighter, earning a deep groan from him. He pulls his pants down and throws them somewhere. He unties your wrists to give you access.

"On your knees, babe." he says. You blush and do as he says. "So obedient..." he moans. You grab his underwear and pull them down, his erection springing to life. You hear him sigh in relief. You swallow, nervously, and begin rubbing his tip with your thumb. The moans and grunts that escaped him were godly. It fueled your lust, and so you began licking his cock. The noise that just came out of him nearly made you cum it was that good. "Hah~ if you keep teasing me, I swear I'll- oh fuck~" he moans and grabs your head, gently. You stop teasing him and put his cock in your mouth, rocking your head back and forth. There was much of him to take in, which you couldn't. At this point, he was fucking himself into your mouth. He was that desperate? You could choke any second. Unfortunately, he pulled you off of his cock.

"Why did you-" you begin but you were quickly interrupted when he pinned you against the bed. His lips were once again on your neck, sucking and biting at you. You can't help but moan in both pain and pleasure. When he's satisfied with the marks, he lifts himself back up. "Please be careful..." you beg. He hums and aligns himself.

"If it's too much, let me know, okay?" He looked worried. You nod and he rubs himself against you. He sticks a finger in you for support. He pushes the head in, causing you to yelp in pain. That worried look is back on his face and he stops. He lets you adjust. He begins to push himself further inside of you. The pain was unbearable. Eventually, he stops and groans. Once again, he let you adjust. After what felt like forever, he pulls his cock out till just the tip is inside of you, and pushes back in, slowly. He continues his slow pace, hoping you can adjust soon. He just wants to ruin you, stretch you out, make you fit perfectly around him. Unfortunately, he had to wait because he did not want to hurt you. Your cute little mewls and moans signal him to move at a better pace. His thrusts stay in tempo, trying to rut himself into you in a harsh manner. Now, he can't hold back, his animalistic instincts kick in and he begins thrusting into you at immeasurable speeds. You moan loudly and a growl rips from his chest, sending you over the edge a second time. "Hngh~ I haven't even cummed once-" he mentions. He stops thrusting, the painful overstimulation coming to an end.

"H-holy...wow." you say.

"Mmm, do I make you feel that good?" he asks.

"Yes." you reply. You were panting heavily, your stomach had hurt from the pleasure.

"Will you help me cum now?" he asks, lust dripping from his eyes.


"And what do you call me~?" he asks with a smirk.

You hesitate, but decide to say what comes to mind first, "Mmm...daddy."

"Good girl." he says, his hips roll into yours again, causing you to moan. He starts off slow again, thrusting into you harshly. His hips were perfectly aligned with your own. Each time he thrusts, you let out some sort of noise. This caused him to speed up by a lot, that same scary speed he was at earlier. "Y-Y/n...I'm close. Promise me you'll cum again~" he begs you. You weren't sure if it was his words, but you ended up cumming again, just like he asked. "Oh fuck~ fuck fuck fuck I can't stop~" he continues thrusting into you. It took him a couple more harsh thrusts and he stiffened, shooting his cum inside of you. It took a minute or two to come back to reality. He pulls out, his cum spilling out of you. He collapses on top of you, his muscles being sore. "Thank you, Y/n..." was the last thing he said before he passed out on you. You slowly wrap your arms around him and close your eyes. You, too, would join him in a good rest, napping away the pain and soreness, ignoring the feeling of sex in the air. It all happened so quick, and you couldn't be happier to be in the arms of your lover as you fell asleep.

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now