Chapter 6

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I think this is my favorite chapter so far. Enjoy, you simps.


Velvet stared at you the whole time you ate. You didn't seem to notice because you focused on finishing your food. And so you did, along with the lovestruck buffoon sitting across from you. "May I clean the dishes this time? I would like to return the favor for such an amazing meal." Velvet asks. You nod and he takes the dishes and goes into the kitchen to clean them. One of the cake hounds, that really liked you, jumps on your lap.

"Hmm...I think I'll name you....." (I will let you guys choose; P/n - Pet's name) "P/n." you say. "I like it." Velvet comes back and sees you having fun with the cake hound. He smiles and walks over to join you. As if on queue, Chiffon walks over to him, barking for his attention.

"Hey Chiffon." he says and leans down, petting him. They both follow you when you get up and go sit on the couch with your cake hound. "What's its name?" Velvet asks.

"P/n." you smile, holding your cake hound carefully.

"It's cute. I'm glad you warmed up to them. It's a shame that other cookies can't see them the way we do. Maybe we could change their minds, no?" he asks, sitting down next to you. Chiffon jumped onto his lap and sat down.

"I would like that. Thank you for showing me what we were so blind to see." you thank him. He smiles and wraps his arm around you, his other playing with Chiffon. You stiffen, but quickly relax. You still weren't used to him touching you. Soon or later it would get worse. He would probably have to be attached to you in some way. You shiver. Suddenly, you could feel Velvet's breath on your ear.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" he purrs in your ear. You stay quiet. Answering wasn't an option, according to your body language. From what he could tell, he definitely wasn't, so he has a plan. You were caught off guard when you feel a small pinch of pain on your ear. He bit your ear. That cheeky little- "Chiffon, you and P/n go play a game with the other cakes. If you need anything, just bark. Daddy will be there in the blink of an eye." you blush when you hear him say "daddy." Did he really just refer to himself as that? Both the cakes jump off the couch and run down the hall. As soon as they disappeared from your sight, Velvet smirked and looked back at you. He continued what he started, only this time, he moved down to your neck. As soon as his breath comes in contact with your neck, you blush and cover your face. His cake hand grabs your chin and forces you to look at him. "You're cute when you blush. Don't hide your face, dear." This only triggered you to blush more.

"N-no I'm not." you say. He smirks, his eyes looking perfectly into yours.

"Shall I show you?" he asks. It was more of a demand because you didn't get time to answer as he stood up and motioned for you to follow him. You follow him silently. He points to the bathroom, wanting you to go in there. You gulp and walk into the bathroom. The door locks and he pushes you against the counter, his chest completely against your back. Both of his hands were next to you on the countertop. His eyes met yours again, in the mirror they did. It was silent for a bit, the both of you staring at one another. He leans down and whispers, "Look at us." You didn't know how to reply. He leans down, once again, and nibbles at your neck. You felt like you were on fire. The way he knew how to turn you on so easily made your legs want to give up. He bites your neck softly, his eyes still on yours. The way you leaned into him was driving him crazy. But for you, you weren't intentionally leaning in. It was your body that decided to, not your brain. He bites down harder on a different spot, testing your patience. You seemed to be really good at keeping it together, in his eyes. In yours, you were panicking. He licks the bite mark he left and raises his head to your ear. He didn't say anything at first. Then he says, "you drive me crazy." You didn't know what was up with him. (Probably a phase-) The moment was ruined when you both heard something scratch the door, making the two of you jump.

"P/n??" you question. You hear a small bark and sigh.

"I guess we'll have to continue this another time." he says, winking at you. You blush, yet again. He unlocks the door and opens, gesturing for you to go first. He looked pretty suspicious, but you went anyway. Before it could happen, you caught his hand. He tried to smack your ass, but luckily, you know better.

"Nice try, Captain Confidence." you say and follow the cakes.

He stayed behind and thought to himself, how come whenever we are alone, something ruins the moment? Eventually, he caught up with you and the cakes. You were sitting on the floor with them, playing around with them. He walks over to you and stops in front of you, looking down at you.

"What's up? Other than you?" you ask.

"Nothing." he says and sits down, moving to your lap. He rests his head down on your thighs.

"W-what are you doing?" you ask, startled by his actions.

"Getting comfortable." he says. The two of you stayed like that for the rest of the night. The cakes would hop on his back and hop off of him. After awhile, they got tired and laid down with you guys. You, Velvet, and your cakes all took a nice nap together, resting peacefully.

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now