Chapter 8

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Sorry this took so damn long to make. I tend to run out of ideas halfway into making a story lol. Do enjoy~ I'll make sure to get ideas for a smut!


Everything was peaceful, until you felt something lick your face. You try to push it away, hoping it will stop. It just licks your face again, causing you to wake up. You groan, "Madeleine what the he- P/n???" you jolt up and hug your pet.

"What's wr-AHH KILL IT!" Madeleine shouts, wielding his sword.

"No. This is P/n. He's not gonna hurt anyone." you tell him.

"That's what they all say, Y/n. Put it down or I will have to use force." he points his sword.

"Never. I'd rather die!" you yell. Madeleine seemed shocked. He didn't think you would actually give up your life for the monster. He walked up to you and pushed you against the wall, your cake jumping out of your arms. He tries to hit the cake, but it simply dodges his attack.

"Arf!" P/n charges forward landing on top of Madeleine's head and jumping off, into your arms. You hold it up and show it to Madeleine.

"You'd kill this?" P/n was making the cutest face ever. Madeleine slips out a little bit of an "aww" and covers his mouth. He sighs, thinking to himself.

"You can keep it. If it hurts ANYONE, I'll get rid of it." he says. You nod and mumble "thank you" to him.

"Hey gu-" Velvet pauses at the door, taking in the situation before him, Madeleine's sword still pointing at you and your cake. Madeleine retracts his sword, acting as if nothing happened. Velvet's eyes meet his. They bore into his, frightening Madeleine. Velvet walks over to you and hugs you and P/n, careful not to squeeze you both. "Oh, I missed you. I know it was only one night, but I couldn't help but think about you so much. I worry easily, y'know?" Velvet says to you, concerned. You nod in response. Madeleine's jaw hung open.

"Get a room, you two." Madeleine says, rolling his eyes.

"That's already been settled." Velvet counters, a smirk on his face. Madeleine stays quiet, unsure of how to reply. "Licorice and Dark Choco left a while ago. I had to make sure it was safe for you to come back." Velvet says to you.

"Go back with you? No! She's coming back to the kingdom with me!" Madeleine shouts. Velvet let's go of you and walks up to him. He stands in front of Madeleine, glaring into his eyes. He turns around and picks you up, walking out of the tent. "Hey! Where are you going!?" Madeleine asks.

"Home. She's my property so she's coming with me." Velvet states. You nearly passed away right then and there.

"Y-you can't just-" Madeleine starts.

"Oh, I can." Velvet gives him one last glare and walks off with you in his arms, leaving Madeleine there. You guys made it to the tower rather quickly, as if he was in a hurry. You only looked confused. "Heh. Something wrong? You look adorable when you're oblivious." he says. He licks his lips and you roll your eyes.

"Shut up." you say.

"Make me." he mocks. (Not those flashbacks) You smile and pull his hair. You hear a small "ow" come from him and he drops you on the couch. He walks away saying, "I'm gonna make us something to eat. Stay there." He disappeared and you thought to yourself.

Hmm...what should I name our kids? you thought. It was a great question. Eventually the two of you would...let's just say, you would do the dance with no pants. With the way he acted around you, it would be soon. Possibly too soon. He interrupted your thoughts when he pushed you against the couch. You must have been thinking about it for a while for him to already be done cooking.

"I asked you what's wrong. I would like an answer before the food burns." he says.

"Everything is alright." you lie. He saw right through that lie of yours.

"You were thinking deep and hard about something. Say, you wouldn't mind telling me, would you?" he murmurs in your ear. You stay quiet. Answering wasn't a good idea.

"I think I'd rather face the consequences." you whisper. He smirks and kisses your neck.

"I'll look forward to it. Let's go eat now before things get messy~" he says and nibbles your ear. You both get up and go into the kitchen. He goes and gets the food and you wait patiently. Your face was on fire. It felt like someone poured hot water on it. You cover your face with your hands. He comes back with the food, giving you your plate. 

"Why so fancy?" you ask. He replies with a smirk.

"Why not?" he says. You sigh and continue eating. The both of you eat in silence until he speaks up, "It's beginning to greatly concern me. What's on your mind, dear? You can tell me anything."

"Well...I was just thinking....." you trial off. He leans in a little bit, even though he was across from you. "What if...what if we had kids?" you ask. You watch his face flush and his eyes widen. He tries to say something but stutters. And he said you were cute when you stutter. "What would we name them?" you ask.

"I-I- not sure- um-" God it was so adorable. The way he tried to act like he was fine but really wasn't. He was an absolute mess. "W-We'll think about this another time..." he says.

"Oh? Does this topic make you uncomfortable?" He rolls his eyes this time and gets up from the table, taking your dishes and going to wash them. You get up and look for P/n. P/n barks happily and jumps up and down. Looks like it was excited to see you. You pet P/n and walk into the living room to see Velvet already there, sitting down on the couch.

He smirks and says, "You know, it would be much better if you sat on my lap this time." You weren't complaining.

You reply with, "If you insist." and go sit on his lap, a book in your hand. He seemed taken aback. He didn't actually think you would but went with it anyway. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer. You smile and open your book, deciding to read. It wasn't long before Velvet fell asleep. You guessed you were pretty comfy, which is why he passed out so quickly. For the rest of the morning, you read your book, your lover sleeping ever so calmly beneath you.

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now