Chapter 9

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Warnings: heavy angst, reader gets tied up, kidnapping, major character death, gore

Leave if any of this makes you uncomfortable! This is your last warning!

Slowly, your eyes peel open. Velvet was still asleep, completely wrapped around you. You weren't sure how you got in this position, but you didn't mind. You take his arms off of you, careful not to wake him up. Then, you stand up and walk away to go to the bathroom. When you finish, you wash your hands, looking at yourself in the mirror. What does he see in me that I don't? What's so special about me? Why did he choose me? you thought. You dry your hands and walks out.

"Hello miss." you hear someone say. Suddenly, your vision goes black. Nothing hurt, but you couldn't react quick enough.

~Small timeskip~

" mmm.....?" you try to say. There was tape over your mouth and you were tied to a chair. You struggle to get out and give up quickly. Someone appears in front of you, an unfamiliar face.

"Hello again! I assume you don't know of me. A shame, but you have heard of me! That is all that matters!" the person says.

"Mm-..." you mumble against the tape.

"Heheh. Let me help you with that." they take the tape off your mouth.

"Where am I? Who are you? What am I doing here? Why did you kidna-" you were interrupted by them shushing you, loudly.

"Too many questions! You'll know me as Licorice! We are currently at Dark Enchantress' castle. You're here because Dark Enchantress asked me to...I would say she asked me to bring you to her. She knows you've been with Red Velvet a lot and she is beginning to believe he convinced you to join our side!" Licorice explains. It was all too confusing. Did Velvet turn you in or did she actually know about you? You're gonna beat his ass next time you see him!

"Ahh, this is her? She's smaller than I had imagined. Dear Y/n, you will serve me, won't you?" Dark Enchantress entered the room and asked. You could always pretend to be on their side and go back to your kingdom to tell them the plans. "Of course she will!" she says before you can answer. You just stay quiet. Another person enters the room with pink hair that was up in a neat fashion.

"Hello, Y/n. I am Pomegranate." she said. You found it rather surprising how nice they all were to you. Now that you think of it, Velvet was probably worrying his ass off right now. A random thought but it's true. Suddenly someone bursts through the window with a sword to Dark Enchantress' throat. It was Velvet. What was he doing??? He's gonna get killed! Dark Enchantress only laughs and looks at him, a pitiful look in her eyes.

"Disobeying me, are you? I'll have to get rid of you myself. You served me well, but there is no reason you should try to cut me! Even in the slightest!" she says, pushing him back. She laughed manically and you tried to get out of the chair, but you were still tied up.

"Pomegranate, please! You can't just sit there and watch him die! Licorice do something! Untie these ropes!" you yell at them.

"We don't take orders from you, low life." Pomegranate responds. Licorice only laughs and refuses. It was hopeless...nobody would help you. You feel your restraints loosen and you look behind you to see a really buff person standing behind you.

"Dark Choco, what have you done?? Why are you helping her!?" Licorice asks.

"Because I feel her pain, her suffering. I can't let her watch her loved one die. It is my duty to protect those in need. I cannot stand for this!" Dark Choco says, getting prepared to fight the two of them. "You go help your lover! I'll take care of this." he tells you. You nearly broke down in tears and nod. You'd have to thank him later. He tosses you a weapon and you charge towards Dark Enchantress.

"Ha! What are you gonna do? Pinch me? MWAHAHAHAHAHA!" she says. You catch her off guard when you appear behind her, striking her with your blade. It didn't do too much damage but it was enough for now. You rush over to Velvet immediately. His cake arm cups your face.

"I'm fine..go to the room behind her Throne. There's someone back there that can help us. You must explain to them the situation." he tells you. "I've got this under control." he says. You only hug him, causing him to instantly hug back. "What the-" he starts. You pull away and his wounds are gone. "Did you..." he trials off. "You can heal?"

"I was never able to...this is different. We don't have time to talk. I'll be right back!" you get up and run to where he said while he fended off Dark Enchantress. You walk in the room. Nobody was in there.

"Who are you?" you hear a voice ask.

"I am Y/n. Dark Enchantress is attacking everyone. We need your help! You'll help us, right?" you say to the voice. Someone steps out and you realize who it was. It was the one and only Pure Vanilla. To see an Ancient up close like this was amazing! He was so perfectly well dressed. Enough looking at his appearances! "Please! I'm begging you! She'll kill everyone!"

"I can try. Where is everyone else?" he asks.

"Fighting one another. Let's go!" The two of you run out to the fighting.

"You little scab! Give up already! You can't win!" Dark Enchantress yells at Velvet. "She doesn't love you! Those "feelings" you're having are fake. Why would anyone love you?" she talks down to him. You saw the pain in his eyes and how much it hurt him.

She was about to attack him again when you yell, "HEY SUNSCREEN EATER!" She turns around and looks at you. You charge at her again. The two of you fought for what seemed like minutes until she stops, gasping for air. You saw a familiar silver blade stabbed right through her stomach. The blade twists, causing her to bleed out more. Blood pooled all around her, even falling from her eyes. The sword was pulled out and she fell to the floor. Velvet looked at you, extremely worried. He ran over to you, dropping his sword and hugged you. He smelt of mostly blood but you couldn't blame him. It looks like the two of you would have to shower when you get back.

"Oh my god, are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Tears fell from his eyes as he hugged the living shit out of you. "I'll never let this happen again. Not as long as I'm alive. Not even when I die!" He's so sweet. "I-Is it true don't love me?" he asks.

You cup his face and peck him on the lips, "There is not way I could ever continue living without you around." He smiles and hugs you again. "Let's go home now, Velvet." you tell him. He nods in agreement. You turn around, "Pure Vanilla, I certainly appreciate your help! If you hadn't been healing me, I probably would have died." you thank him.

"Of course. I'm glad I could help." he responds, a bright smile on his face. You take Velvet with you to thank Dark Choco.

"How can I repay you?" you ask him.

"There is no need. You have showed me the good in evil. I must be thanking you. I must go now, I must go look for my father." he says. You said your goodbyes.

"Ready?" you ask Velvet.

"Of course, m'lady." he says and picks you up and carries you in his arms. He walked you back to the tower. The two of you would begin to get your things packed. Since Dark Enchantress is no longer alive, he wouldn't have anything to worry about. He can stay with you in the Kingdom now, and that's exactly where the two of you headed off to.

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now