Chapter 4

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The two of you enter a room that was nicely decorated, perhaps to entertain the cakes in a way. Speaking of which...there were TONS of cakes in the room and all sorts of them! It was terrifying! You step back into Red Velvet whom catches you. "Don't be afraid. They won't hurt you. You must gain their trust. Go ahead, approach them slowly." You listen to what he says and walk up to them very carefully.

"Um...hello there. Please don't hurt me." you say. They all look at you with these cute eyes. Maybe they weren't that scary. You bend down and pet one of them which decides to lick your hand. You giggle and look back at Red Velvet but to be surprised to see him blushing...and covering his nose, looking away. "Is something wrong?" you ask, concerned.

"Yeah, trying not to get a nosebleed. Please stand up straight." he says. It took you a moment then you blushed and quickly stood up and apologized over and over to him. "I-It's fine. Just be careful next time." he states. You nod and sit down with all the cakes. Velvet sits next to you, some of the cakes crawling into his lap. (Oh to be those cakes) You get an idea and decide to tell a story to all the cakes. Even if they couldn't understand you, it would make Red Velvet happy to hear. You tell the cakes a story one of your parents had told you whenever you had nightmares. The cakes seemed so interested in the story and some even cuddled with you while you told it. By the time you were finished, they were all asleep. Velvet looked impressed.

"Did I do okay?" you ask him.

"You did amazing. You put them all to sleep. Where did you learn that story?" he asks.

"My parents would tell me whenever I had nightmares when I was little. It always helped and it was the only idea I had.." you blushed, a little embarrassed.

"That's incredible. Perhaps I'll have you tell them stories every night, if you don't mind of course." he says and smiles.

"I wouldn't mind." you smile back. The two of you sat there staring at each other for quite a while. You didn't notice you both were leaning in till a cake hound barks and you both jump. You pet it and it sits down on your lap with the other cakes that were there. Velvet doesn't say anything. Instead, he wraps an arms around you and pulls you closer to him. You look up at him to find him looking away, a crazy blush on his face. You had to admit, it was adorable. You rest your head on his shoulder and you feel him tense up, but slowly calm down. He sighs and pets one of the cakes in his lap. You pet a different one that was in his lap. They were all so adorable and this moment was so wholesome. You never wanted it to end. His hand moves to your head and he starts playing with your hair. You relax and move a little closer to him, now resting your head on his chest. You hear his heart rate increase which makes you blush a little bit. You look up at him once more and see his was staring down at you, his face a blushing mess. He grabs your face and brings it to his, kissing you without hesitation. The both of you ended up blushing more and you were absolutely shocked. He deepened the kiss by grabbing the back of your head and bringing you even closer. Don't worry, you both made sure not to squish the cute cakes. He pulls away after a while, probably to catch his breath.

"I-I..." he stutters. He didn't know how to respond. But you did. You peck him on the lips and smile. He sighs and smiles back. "I...I think....." he starts to say. You listen to him which encourages him to speak up. "I think I'm in love with you." he finishes. You blush, this time you didn't know how to respond. "I-If you don't like me ba-"

You interrupt him, "I just kissed you again. Don't even say it." He blushes again. He carefully picks up the cakes on his lap and sets them aside, same with the ones on your lap.

"Stand up. Let's take a walk." he says. The two of you leave the room quietly, careful not to wake the cakes.

"Where are we going?" you ask.

"You'll see." is all he says. He leads you outside into the back. "Sit in front of the bench." You do as he says, although you questioned it a little. He sits down behind you and you feel him grab your hair softly. You weren't sure what he was doing, but went with it anyway. Eventually, he stops.

"What?" you say, a little worried. He gives you something. It was a mirror, probably to check with whatever he did to your hair. He had braided it and put some flowers in it. You gasp, "oh it's so pretty! Thank you!" you say and hug him instantly. He returns the hugs.

"Heh. It's not much." he says. It was getting dark already. Wasn't it just morning? Or did you sleep in too long? Who knows. The two of you ended up sitting out there watching the sunset. It was truly amazing. Suddenly, he stands up, which triggers you to stand up as well.

"Is everything okay?" you ask.

He smiles and says, "may I have this dance?" He reaches out his hand. You smile and gladly accept it. The two of you begin dancing in the moonlight. It shone a perfect glow on you, which made Velvet's heart pound in his chest. He twirled you around. You giggled as he did. Both of you were having so much fun. Eventually, he picked you up and spun you around. Instead of setting you back down, he threw you over his shoulder and carried you back inside.

"Hey! What are you doing??" you yell. He only chuckled, a wide smirk plastered across his face. He enters a room you were unfamiliar with. It hits you as soon as he places you down on his bed. You were in his room.

"Will you sleep here with me tonight?" he asks, almost giving puppy eyes.

"Yes, but I need to get ready for bed." you say. He lets you go and you get up and go back to your room. You get dressed into more comfortable clothing, or rather what you will sleep in. After that, you head to the bathroom and brush your teeth. You go downstairs and get a glass of water for yourself. You decide to get him one as well. Bringing the water up to his room, you find the door was closed. You knock on it. You hear a shuffle then the door opens. Your eyes widen when you see that he was shirtless and had only a towel covering his lower half.

He chuckled, "you like what you see~?" You blush and walk past him, setting the water on his nightstand. You walk over to your side and set your water on your nightstand. He goes into the bathroom to get dressed and you cover yourself in the blankets, embarrassed by what happened. The bed sinks a little. It was just Velvet getting in bed. "Hey, you can't hog all of the blankets." he says.

"After what you just pulled, I think I can." you state.

He chuckles again, "that's entirely your fault. If you had waited longer, maybe I would have been fully clothed."

"I didn't ask." you retort.

"Then why were you listening~?" he counters. You decide to ignore him and turn around, facing away from him. What a terrible mistake you made. Suddenly, he grabs you and moves you closer to him, hugging you. He kisses your clothed shoulder. "Goodnight~" he says.

"Goodnight..." you say. He turns off the lights. Unfortunately for you, you had fallen asleep first. Who knows what he'd do to you while you were asleep. You're at least hoping he wouldn't do anything too bad. Hopefully you at least have clothes on in the morning. Luck was on your side for once. He too had fallen asleep. You comfortably dreamt in his arms that night.

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now