Chapter 7

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"Ow!" you yelp, jolting awake. "Who-"

"I had to wake you up somehow." Velvet murmers in your ear. He looked worried.

You swallow nervously and ask, "What's with the worried expression?"

"Dark Choco and Licorice are supposed to visit today, as per Dark Enchantress' request. If they see you they will take you to her, away from me-" he says.

You interrupt him with, "That's your fault! You're the one who kidnapped me!"

"You're hella lucky I did." he smirked. You flick him in the head. He merely flinched. "Hey- I'm just saying."

"Where can we hide me?" you ask.

"Actually I might have snuck out while you were asleep and..." he trials off.

"I thought you left to return a lost object, dear Y/n." you heard a voice say, behind you. You turn around to see a disappointed looking Madeleine. You instantly stand up and begin apologizing, over and over. "Okay, relax. I'm not gonna do anything. I am still pissed at the fact that you didn't come back." he said, an angry look plastered on his face.

"It was my fault entirely. I kidnapped her and made her work for me." he said with a smile. Was he fucking insane!? Why would he admit to that right in front of Madeleine!?? Madeleine's gaze switches from looking at you to Velvet. If it were possible, he would have flames in his eyes.

"He's lying! I swe-" Velvet's hand interrupts you when he covers your mouth. Madeleine walks up to him, stopping right in front of him. The two of them exchanged death glares, not saying a word. "I'm just gonna go..." you begin to walk away, both of them looking at you. Suddenly, you're sweating. You begin running away, hoping to god they weren't following you. (NIGERUNDAYOOO)

"Y/N! GET BACK HERE!" Madeleine shouts. Unfortunately for you, they both chased after you. This is probably one of the most scariest things that have ever happened to you in your entire life. You run into the room closest to you and lock it behind you. You hear a thud, it was probably Madeleine. You sit against the door.

~Small Timeskip~

About 10-20 minutes had passed and you were still sitting there. Madeleine and Velvet had started up a conversation because they knew you wouldn't stay in there forever. "Aren't I just amazing? I'm charming and-"

Velvet interrupts with, "Irresponsible."

"You mean irresistible?" Madeleine asks.

"No, I mean irresponsible. You're literally the walking peak of stupidity." Velvet says, a smug look on his face.

"Why you-"

You interrupt Madeleine, "I agree."

"Get out here now! Or I will break this door down!" Madeleine shouts.

"It's our only choice at this point. I can replace it." Velvet suggests. While they continued talking, you secretly unlocked the door.

"Alright. One, two, three!" Madeleine yelled. They both charged at the door. You opened it and they both fell to the floor. You quickly sprint out of the room and down the hall. "Dammit! Y/n has outsmarted us!" Madeleine looked annoyed. They both quickly get up and chase after her, again. Unluckily for them, you had already disappeared. "Where could she have gone?" he questions.

"Hey, himbo. Over here." you say. He turns around instantly and you crash into him. It wasn't your plan, but it worked. He fell to the floor screaming about something. Suddenly you were picked up.

"I got her." Velvet says.

"Y/n! I have had enough of this! You will suffer severe punishment when we get back to the castle!" Madeleine yells at you, standing up. 'Severe punishment' he called it. He only made you clean or become a maid for an hour. He was way too soft on you. If Velvet ever needed to punish you, he would be way harsher on you than anyone. If you got lucky, Velvet would make you clean up after the cakes.

"You guys better hurry and leave. I have a small campsite set up not to far away from here. Licorice and Dark Choco should be here soon." Velvet states, bringing you both to the exit. "Stay safe, Y/n. I'll come get you when we're done, okay?" You nod and smile.

"How come you're so nice to Y/n but nobody else?" Madeleine asks. Velvet look at him, smirking. Velvet's lips met your own in a small but sweet kiss.

Madeleine's eyes widen, "Oh oh OH! Oh my goodness Y/n, shame on you for falling for an enemy! He could be using you!" That's true but you wouldn't be able to figure that out yet. Velvet pulls you close, hugging you.

"Absolutely not. Now go before I change my mind." Velvet says.

"Fine." was all Madeleine replied with. Velvet kisses you on the forehead and waves goodbye as you leave. Madeleine hadn't said a word to you since. He spoke up when you both arrived at the camp, "So we're staying here?"

"Yes." You go in the tent and lay down. "I'm going to sleep now."

"Already?" Madeleine asks. You nod and cover yourself in a blanket. Madeleine doesn't move. "I'll set up a fire and keep watch."

"Alright. Thank you. Goodnight." you say.

Madeleine responded with, "Goodnight, Y/n." You got comfy in the blankets that you had. You close your eyes, hoping to fall asleep. It didn't take you long to fall asleep. Your vision faded and the last thing you thought of was Velvet...

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now