Chapter 2

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Warnings: cussing, small lime, use of collar


You quickly woke up, your surroundings being entirely different. You were in a cell of some sort. The sword you had with you was now gone. You lay on a small and uncomfortable bed. Everything clicked and you freaked out. Madeleine would be pissed if he found out about this! You grab the bars and yell out, "HEY! WHAT ASSHOLE PUT ME IN HERE? I'LL KICK YOUR ASS JUST WA-"

"I did." A voice echoed. You nearly jumped. A man much taller than you stood outside of the cell, looking down at you. "How pitiful."

"If we swapped positions, you'd be crying." you argue.

"HA! As if. You're a funny one." He was mocking you. How dare he! "Not so tough without my sword now are you?" His sword? Where did it- "Looking for this?" He holds up the sword. "Thank you for returning it. Y'know, you're lucky I gave you this cell. It's the best ones of all the worst ones." he chuckles.

"Open this cell and you won't have anything more to laugh about." you say, giving a death glare.

"Begging won't help. Now go pout in the corner." he says.

"Make me." you mumble.

"What was that...?" his posture and voice being serious.

"I said, MAKE ME, COWARD!" you yell. The cell door swings open and he backs you up into the wall.

"Or else what? What will you do? I'd love to hear your ideas." You opened your mouth to speak but stayed quiet. His bigger looking arm raised above your head, his other resting on his hip. "Tell me, you said I was a coward, correct? You were saying?" Never in your life had anyone set you off this easily. It angered you, no, it made you rage at how he took advantage of you like this. You attempt to smack him, his hand catching your wrist. He only smirked.

"Let go of me!" you struggle.

"What if I don't?" his smirk grows.

"You little-" you bite his hand and push him back, pulling his hair.

"Feisty, are we? If that's how you're gonna be then so be it. The Enchantress wouldn't mind if I gave you a higher punishment anyway." he growled and pinned you against the wall. You tried to escape but he was too strong. This was rather embarrassing...

"C-can you let go please?" A light blush dusted your cheeks. You averted your eyes and looked at the small table that was in your room. His bigger hand grabs your chin and forces you to look at him, your blush growing brighter. His face was awfully close to yours, and you noticed the little bit of blush on his cheeks too. It was rather...cute. He pulled away, leaving you in shock. He locked you back in the cell.

"I'll come check up on you again. If you need anything, just yell my name." And with that, he was gone. You slouch down and sit. You noticed the food he has set on the table for you. You sigh and get up to go eat it. After finishing your meal, you lay down on the bed. Sure it wasn't comfy, but it was better than sleeping on the floor. After what felt like an hour of you sitting there you heard a cling and the cell had opened.

"What?" you ask.

"I've got something for you.." he smirked and motioned for you to come over to him. You slowly got up and walked over. He shows you something. It was a collar. You step back a little bit.

"I'm not wearing that." you say.

"You're not in charge. I am." He approaches you and grabs you. You frown as he put it on you. It was a perfect fit. "Absolutely gorgeous. This was originally meant for one of my cakes but this should be better." You huff and face away from him. "Be grateful I didn't punish you that much. If you behave for the rest of the day, you'll have smaller punishment. As for disobeying me..." he moves closer to your ear. "We'll wait and see." he whispers in your ear. "Now, I'm gonna show you around so if I let you out of your cell, you won't get lost. Also, escaping me is impossible. So don't try it, darling."

"No promises." you say.

"That makes things only worse for you. You'll see why." he says, grabbing your chin.

"I-I'm not afraid of you!" you yell.

"Oh? There's no need to lie. I can see right through you~" he says. You squirm and push away from him. "Now, let's go." He gently tugs the leash that was attached to your collar, careful not to hurt you. You follow him. You didn't have a choice.

"Why are you doing this...?" you ask.

"Because I can and I'm not allowed to let thieves leave. After all, you should be punished for stealing my sword." he says and you both continued walking. You ignored most of what he said, he was mainly blabbering on about where and what everything was. Eventually, your short tour ended and he led you into a different room. It had a fancy bed with silky sheets. "You can sleep in here tonight. Remember, don't even try to escape. I am watching." he says as he takes the leash off and sets it aside. You instantly plop in bed and you flick him off as he leaves.

You chuckle and say to yourself, "he'll never know."

"Never know what?" a voice rings in your ears. How the- he was right behind you. "Don't think I didn't see that." He pins you against the sheets. He didn't looked pleased in the slightest. He leans down and nibbles at your ear. He pulls away and looks at you again. He lets go of you after a while and leaves the room again. You hear it lock and you frown. You curl up in the covers and, it takes a while, but you manage to slowly drift off to sleep.

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now