Chapter 10

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Warnings: angst, heavy gore, smut, kinda ooc

It's finally happening y'all! Enjoy my lovelies~ (not me listening to Rasputin while writing this 😂😭)

Part 1
(This is a timeskip to after they move into the Cookie Kingdom. Don't worry about Velvet's cakes! They are all okay! I'll give more detail abt it later. Y/n and Velvet have their own house just inside the Kingdom. 👍)

Why was Velvet covered in blood? His eyes were completely red, full of bloodlust. He turned around and looked at you. "Y/n, my dear! Oh I've missed you. Very, very, much." he said, a creepy smile appearing on his face. (Bless anyone who understands the Darkiplier reference.)


"What is wrong, my dear? Is there something on my face??" As he said that, his cake hand reached up to his face to wipe it. His arm entire arm was covered in blood, that when he went to wipe his face, he smeared blood on it.

"W-what-" you step back, only to have him follow your footsteps.

"Do you not love me? Have I not been a good lover?? What is it that you want, dear?" he asked, his arm reaching for you.

"Stay back! Why are you covered in so much blood!?" you yell.

He holds a hand to his heart, as if hurt and says, "I killed them. You didn't see it?" he asks. You look behind him and nearly scream, covering your mouth. So many of the people you knew where on the floor, all of them were dead. Their bodies looked like they were sliced open. Madeleine was one of them there. Oh how it terrified you. It's just you and me now. Isn't that lovely?"

"NO! HOW COULD YOU KILL THEM!? THIS IS NOT THE VELVET I KNOW!" you shout at him. He stops and stares at you. He picks up his sword he had dropped and walks towards you, dragging it behind him.

"'Not the Velvet you know?' Are you saying I'm a fake??" he said, sounding extremely pissed off. He stops next to Madeleine's corpse, thrusting his sword into it. Surprisingly, Madeleine screams. Even though he was dead, he let out a sound. He continues stabbing Madeleine, causing him to scream in pain even more.

"MAKE IT STOP! Y/N HELP!" he'd yell.

"STOP VELVET! STOP, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" you yelled. You began to continuously yell 'stop' over and over.

"Y/n..." you heard. You look at Madeleine. You continue hearing the voice, but it wasn't Madeleine. Suddenly, you jolt awake.

"Y/N! Oh thank god you woke up. You were screaming 'stop' over and over! It was just a nightmare, love. It's okay. I'm here." Velvet says. The real Velvet. You hug him and start crying.

"I-I had a terrible nightmare...*sniff* you killed everyone...including Madeleine." you tell him.

"Oh, Y/n. I would never lay a finger on any of those...other people." Velvet says to you, attempting to cheer you up. You look at him.

"R-Really?" you ask. He nods and kisses you on the forehead. "Thank you. By the way, what dream did you have?" you ask out of boredom. After having that nightmare, sleeping wouldn't be an option for a while.

He stiffens, "W-well I..." You tilt your head in confusion. "I didn't have one." he lied. You could clearly tell he was lying. You won't let him get away with that.

"Stop lying. If you loved me you wouldn't lie." you say and smirk. He sighs, a smirk appearing on his face as well.

"How about, instead of telling you, I show you~?" he asks. Before you could say anything, his lips meet yours. You thought he was joking, so you kissed him back. He bites your lip and you tap him on the head. He pulls away and looks at you, waiting for you to say something.

"You're gonna suck the life out of me if you keep doing that.'re saying, you had a wet dream? You could have just told me. I wouldn't judge you." you say.

"O-oh, sorry." he apologizes. All of a sudden, it's quiet. Awfully quiet. Neither of you said a word. You noticed he was beginning to lean into you, his face in front of yours.

"I..." you start to say. He grabs the back of your head and brings your face closer, your lips connecting once again. He groans into your mouth, something that fueled your lust. (That escalated quickly) At this point, he was on top of you. You feel his leg move between your thighs and begins moving it against your clothed sex. You moan into his lips, giving him access to deeper parts of your mouth. His tongue grazes across every part of your mouth. At last, he pulled away, both of you gasping for air.

It took a few seconds but he spoke up, "C-can we continue?" You nod in response. He just sat there for a little bit. His lips move to your neck and he starts sucking and biting on it. You manage to hold in your moans. One of his hands slides up your shirt and he massages your breasts. You respond with a sigh. He lifts his head, "Hey, um..."

"What is it?" you ask.

"Could you...could you sit on my face?" he asks, his face covered in blush. Your face heats up and your eyes widen. Never in your life have you ever thought someone would ask you to do that.

"Mmm...okay." you say. The two of you quickly switched positions after he shed your clothing. It was absolutely adorable looking down at him to see him a blushing mess. He didn't think you'd actually say yes...yet here you are. He gulped and pulled you down on his mouth, eating away at your juices,m. You let out something between a moan and a yelp, causing him to smirk against your skin. He moves you a bit closer, trying to reach every part of you. You covered your mouth in an attempt to at least muffle your moans. After he finally stopped you looked down at him, the lust in his eyes growing. "Y-you didn't even pull away for air..." you point out.

"I didn't need to~" he says, a sly smirk on his face. He flipped the two of you and began to peel off his own clothing. Oh how the fun was only beginning...
I'll work on part 2 when I get the chance. Love you all and enjoy the holidays if you celebrate anything! See you all soon~

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now