Chapter 3

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You hear a loud knock on the door, which wakes you up. "Rise snd shine. I have something for you to do. I also have clean clothes for you. If you wish to take a shower, go ahead. I'm giving you half an hour to get ready. You should be grateful." It didn't take long to know who was at the door, besides, you were the only ones in the tower so of course it was him. You don't reply, which was the wrong option. He barges in. "Next time I expect an answer from you. A simple 'thank you' would be appreciated." he retorts.

"Whatever..." you mumble. He sets the clothes down on your bed and begins to walk away. "I guess Mr. Edgelord would like me to match with him, no?" you say as you look at the clothes. They were the same colors of his clothing.

"Is there a problem?" he stops in his tracks, turning his head to look at you.

"Not necessarily, but how do you know what size I am?" you ask, a little worried.

"I don't. That's why I'm giving it to you, for you to try on. If it doesn't fit, then I shall retrieve another size." he says.

"Um, alright." You unfold them and begin taking off your clothes until you notice he was just staring at you. "Is there a problem?" you mock.

"I'm waiting for a thank you." he says, tapping his foot.

"Thank you, never told me your name." you realize.

"Red Velvet. You're welcome. The bathroom is right next door if you need to use it. I'll be down the hall." he states. He leaves the room, closing the door. Now that you think about it, a shower would be nice. You keep the clothes on and take your new ones with you to the bathroom. He really thought of everything. There was a hairbrush, toothbrush, hair dryer, even makeup if you needed it. You'd have to thank him for that later. You undress and hop in the shower. There's nothing better than a hot, refreshing shower in the morning. After you shower, you tend to your other needs, such as drying your hair, brushing it, doing your makeup, and other things. You smell something good and figure he was probably making you something to eat, which means, brushing your teeth would be for afterwards. You leave the bathroom and knock right into him.

"S-sorry!" you apologize.

He sighs, "It's fine. I was coming to get you to tell you I made some food." he says. He seemed shy, something you didn't think you would ever see. After the way he acted yesterday, you thought he'd be a horn-ball all the time. It appears not...

"Oh thank you. And thank you for the stuff you set up in the bathroom. You really thought of everything." you blush a little and smile.

He also blushes a little and says, "Oh it's the least I could do..." The two of you stared at each other for what felt like minutes and minutes. He interrupts the silence, "Ahem, follow me." You quietly follow him. He sits you down at a table and leaves the room to go get the food. You feel something lick your leg and you look down. It was a cake hound! He comes rushing back in when he hears a loud THUD and a yelp.

"It's gonna kill me! You can't just have these things roaming around here!" you yell. He looked almost relieved.

"Chiffon, what did I tell you about terrorizing our guests? Come now." he says and motions for him to follow. You get back in your chair and think about what just happened.

So he's saying that cakes can be nice? As if. I've seen them in battle and they show absolutely no mercy. you think.

Your thoughts where interrupted when you heard Red Velvet yell, "FUCK!"

"LANGUAGE!" you yell. So unnecessary. You get up and go to see what happened. There were several cake hounds surrounding him. He seemed to be scolding them, that was, until they all looked at you.

"They don't bite." Red Velvet says.

"YES THEY DO!" you sprint back into the dining room and hide. You see Velvet enter the room, probably to find you. Unfortunately, your hiding spot was terrible and he found you instantly. He walked over to you.

"It's nothing to worry about. They got into something they shouldn't have, that's all. One of the things you'll be doing while you're here is taking care of them. I want you to understand that they aren't evil. They truly are adorable." he says while comforting you.

"Fine." you stand up and sit back down. Red Velvet goes back into the Kitchen and comes back out carrying the food. He sets it down in front of you and goes back into the kitchen, probably getting his own food. Velvet comes back with, what looks like, his own food. He sits down across from you and begins to organize himself. You figure it was best you start eating. And so you do. "Holy shit, this is good." you say.

"Language~" he mocks while looking up at you, smirking.

"Shut your trap, comedian. Tell me, is being stupid a profession or are you just gifted?" you retort instantly. He nearly spits out his food. He gives you the deadliest glare you have ever received. You copy his smirk and send it back to him with a wink. He looked absolutely furious.

"I'm gonna snap your neck in a minute here." he replies, coldly.

"Okay, snap my neck then. I'm waiting." you say and wait. He huffs and goes back to eating. You chuckle and also continue. Sometimes you have the confidence to stick up for yourself, sometimes it disappears. It was a mystery to you as to why you wouldn't always stick up for yourself. It never really bugged you too much. Eventually, you finish your food. He stands up. It appears he also finished. Suddenly, he grabs your plates and walks away with them. "Hey hey, wait!" You follow him into the kitchen. "I'll wash them. I need a way to repay you." you say.

"If you insist." You get to work and continue washing the dishes the both of you used. He only stared at you. It's like he was trying to memorize your every movement. It was a little creepy, but you shrugged it off. You finish and look to find that he was now right behind you. He had pushed you against the counter, his hands being on either side of the countertop. He looked down at you, wanting to say something, but didn't.

"I-is something wro-" you were interrupted by his hand.

He shushes you, "Don't ruin the moment." He retracted his hand, his face a mere inch or two away from yours. It was scary having someone be this close to you. You hated when your personal space was taken over. This was completely different. Your face went up in flames when he moved closer, his lips just grazing your own. It's like he enjoys teasing you because he pulls away, again. "I-I apologize..." he says and blushes a little. "You looked...perfectly vulnerable." You blush more, averting your eyes to look at something OTHER than him. You didn't appreciate him playing with your feelings like this. It was painful. It made you want more, no, need more.

"It's fine." was all you said. You didn't know how to react.

"Anyways, come on. I'll show you where the cakes stay." Velvet changes the subject.


I hope you liked that chapter. I really like this book so far and can't wait to continue updating it! If I am unable to update that's probably because of school or because I just got Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. I let my brother have Diamond because I like Pearl more. I want to finish the game as soon as possible but it's kind of a pain when I don't have lots of free time, even on break.

Anyways, cya guys. Thanks for reading so far!

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