Special Chapter

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This will not take place in the current story. I wanted to do this for fun cause I thought it was cute. If you would like a continuation, I need quite a few people to encourage me. It's short and...well, you'll see. Enjoy! ;)
Warnings: Small lemon

You were out in the garden, picking flowers you liked so you could bring them inside. When you get inside, it was quiet. Where was Velvet? That's what you wanted to find out. You put the flowers in a vase and go to look for him. He wasn't with the cakes, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, nowhere. You hear something. It sounded like, a person's voice? You follow it. It was Velvet's voice. It was coming from his room. You knock. "Velvet? Are you in there?" you ask. You enter the room and see he is not there. "Hmm. Strange. Maybe I am hearing things." You leave his room and go to the couch with a book. Velvet appears finally. "Hey, where were yo- oh." You immediately avert your eyes. It was terrible you saw it right away but it wasn't really a choice when it was that visible. From what you could tell, he was...erect. Was he horny? Surely this was a joke.

"M' so sorry you heard that." So he was in his room after all? He approaches you. You stiffen and keep your eyes on your book. He crawls on top of you, grabbing the book and setting it down on the floor. The both of you were blushing crazily. "Please~" he begs. You could feel how erect he was against your thigh. In all honesty, it turned you on. You can't just simply let him know that. He leans down and kisses your neck, earning a gasp from you. He smirks and grinds himself into your clothed core. You cover your mouth but he quickly grabs your wrists. "There will be none of that." he says in a raspy whisper.

"W-why-" you choke out a moan when he bites your neck, gently. 

He groans, "I need you~ please let me~" He was like an animal in heat. So desperate to mate, he encouraged you by turning you on. You didn't hate it, but you didn't think you were ready. "You're mine, and only mine." he whispered in your ear, along with other sweet praises. "M' gonna ruin you~" "I don't want you walking tomorrow~" "I'll make sure none of my cum escapes you~" were some of the things he said. At this point, you would have to give up. It's not that you didn't want to. Your body was submitting to him completely. You thought he was joking at first and now he's absolutely feral, grinding into you in pure instinct. Your stomach began to...crunch? It was a new feeling. You let out the loudest of moans and Velvet growls in your ear, stopping his thrusts. He quickly gets up, picking you up.

"W-what are you doing?" you ask, shyly. He doesn't say a word. He takes you into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. You knew where this was going, but you didn't do anything to stop it.

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now