Chapter 5

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It's a good thing Velvet closed the blinds before getting in bed with you. Your eyes peel open and you look around. It took you a minute but you find that Velvet had stuck his face in your chest. You didn't really mind. If you were him you would have done the same. You slowly lift the covers then set them back down. The two of you were, indeed, clothed. A sigh of relief washes over you. He stirs and you look at him. He quickly lifts his face, his eyes wide, a dark blush on his cheeks. You notice he had been drooling, which means it was on your shirt. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry- I was asleep- I-" he stutters.

"Hey, it's okay. I understand. I don't mind." you say and smile. "You have some drool on you.." you point out.

"Oh." he says and wipes it off.

"There we go." you say.

"'re pretty comfy." he says, looking up at you with a smirk.

"Ah, Mr. Arrogance strikes again." you mumble.

"I heard that." he says.

"I know." You smile. "I don't wanna move..." you say.

"Oh?" is all he replies with. His lewd smirk gave away what he was thinking.

"Never mind. I want to." you say and get up, or at least try. He pulled you back down.

"Where do you think you're going~?" he asks, licking his lips. You knew what he was trying to do, which is why it wasn't working.

"Didn't we meet, like, yesterday? What are you implying to do?" you ask.

"Well, connect the dots. Two sexually frustrated humans are in love, and not to mention, are alone. What more could we ask for?" he responds.

"What, did you have a wet dream or something?" you ask. He only smirks. "Oh. Um, well...I'm hungry so-" you were interrupted by his lips meeting your own. The kiss lasted a mere second or two before you pull away and ask, "what are you doing?"

"Showering you in affection." he says.

"Gross...keep doing that." you say. He smiles and pecks your face multiple times. The two of you sat there for maybe a minute then he finally stopped. It was silent for a moment until you spoke up, "Can we have breakfast now?"

"...yeah." he responds.

"Can you carry me?" you ask.

"No. You might as well use your legs before I break them." he says, a lewd smirk on his face again.

"Very funny. I'll be fine." you say.

"Wanna test that theory~?" he says his eyes meeting yours after he takes his pajama shirt off.

"N-no. I'll get ready in the bathroom." You quickly flee to the bathroom with your clothes. You get dressed and slowly open the door. He was not in sight. Hmm...he must be in the kitchen already. You walk out, which is exactly what he wanted you to do. The bathroom door slams shut behind you. You yelp and check behind you to see the door was shut. He probably went in there, you think. Little did you turn around and you are instantly slammed into the door. Luckily, it didn't hurt this time.

"Hey. Come here often~?" he says, one of his arms above your head, the other on his hip...just like the first time you met.

"Stop messing around already." you says

"Mmmm...nah." he responds, a smug look on his face. The hand on his hip moves to your own. His fingers trace the hem of your underwear.

"Dude. It wasn't a request, it was a demand." You push him out of the way and set your clothes neatly on your side of the bed. (Oh Y/n 🥵🥵) You walk out, completely noticing his flustered expression. How does one man go from being so arrogant to being the shyest thing on Earth? That you didn't know. "I'm making breakfast this time." you say without expecting an answer. A cake hound follows you, which you didn't mind. You begin gathering the supplies and ingredients you need to make breakfast for the both of you. I should make some for the cakes... you think. You get to work.


~Velvet's POV~

Where the hell did all the cakes go? They didn't get into the- oh no Y/n. She could be hurt! he thinks and runs to the kitchen. When he got there he was in utter shock. She was feeding the cakes some of the food she made. Oh god, I think I fell in love all over again... he thinks to himself.

~Your POV~

"Oh hey. It's okay if they eat this ri- are you okay?" you ask, concerned. He had drool coming from his mouth again. The only thing was, he wasn't staring at the food. He was staring at you. "Earth to Velvet? Yoo hoo?" (HOO HOO-)

"Huh, what? I was day dreaming about the food I swear. You smell so good- I mean the food. It smells good. Like you- I-" he stutters.

You chuckle, "Would you like some?"

"Y e s p l e a s e." he says, attempting to wipe his drool. You get some for him and then for yourself. You bring it to the table and set it down with the silverware for him. You sit across from him. The both of you started eating. He stared at you while you ate. You look up and he looks back at his food. You squint your eyes, as if looking for something. Then, you sigh. Today was going to be a long day.

Human!Red Velvet x Human!F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now