Chapter 4: Terracon Prime

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- (Jaune POV)-

after the events of that whole bounty hunter incident, I ordered the fleet to start repairing their stationed ships and freighters and on the Arc's light, my ship was mildly damaged and KVN was singing a song about plugging Holes for some dumb reason. while he was singing, a mysterious drone just entered the ship undetected.

i then was on my way to check on Gary to see if he was ok after what happened yesterday, and what do you know, he is. why you may ask? because i see him adjusting a camera trying to record a video for a special someone he met when he was still training years ago.

Gary: Quinn. it's me Gary, things have been great on my end and i believed that i made another potential new friend. Yes, he boarded the ship to kill me... and take my little green ball friend, but Avocato is one great card player.

He then faces the camera to the table where a tied up Avocato was sitting as Gary stat down in front of him

Avocato: (spits cards out) Any more cards and I WILL shoot myself.

Gary: Then I'm going to shoot you if you don't play cards.

Avocato: oh, I'll let you shoot me

Gary: (stammers) well then i'll shoot myself!!!!!

everyone: NO DON'T!!!!!!!

Avocato: what? why?

Gary: Friggen figured it out. figured out. 

then faces the camera at his face

Gary: and our newest little member is this little guy. 

Mooncake then floats in front of the camera

Gary: his name's mooncake.

Mooncake then makes an adorable happy noise

Gary: (chuckles) and everyone loves him.

Everyone: AGREED.

Avocato: that little green snot ball is a planet destroying super weapon that's gonna get us killed.

Nova Stardust: No, he's not, he's a bundle of joy and divine cuteness.

Everyone: Yeah.

Gary: and you sir, just stepped over the line.

he slaps avocato on the face, making a meowing noise after that

Nova Stardust: ok, now that's cute. and also, mooncake has feelings you know.

Derrick: and you just peed all over him with your cat whizz.

Gary then resumes talking to the camera for the message he's recording.

Gary: yep, thing have been, uh, going pretty great. get back to me if you get this, it's no rush, it's just that we haven't seen each other in over, like, 5 years. (chuckles) well yours forever, THUNDER BANDIT. message sent. i crushed it, AGAIN!!!!!


- (on earth, Quinn POV)-

Quinn: (sighs then hears a beep) quinn here

Tribore: hey quinn, it's tribore. An infinty guard ship has crashed. how did it crash? (whispers) we don't know. we need you on the scene.

Quinn: on my way.


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