Chapter 23: The Lord commander meets the white fang. (part 2)

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After the lord commander saved Adam and his white fang squadron, Adam took him to Sienna Khan's base where the lord commander can have an audience with her and the white fang all over remnant. Right now we see Adam walking his way to Sienna Khan's throne room as he entered in as he kneeled down to his high leader

Adam: high leader.

Sienna: Adam, I heard what happened to your squadron, but I'm glad you made it back alive

Adam: I'm just glad to be alive, without their help, we would be dead.

After hearing that word "their", everyone in the throne room started murmuring to each other as Sienna raised an eyebrow

Sienna: "Their"? Who are you talking about?

Adam: our new allies, allies with superior technology and weaponry that can rival the atlas military, and they could give us the opportunity to make this world finally ours.

Sienna then got up from her throne and started to walk to Adam angry

Sienna: how are you sure about that? We already have allies, and they're humans, humans we know nothing about, come and go as they please, and for what: empty promises. And you made allies to more humans without my PERMISSION!!!!

Adam: who said our ally is a human. Sienna Khan, j present to you our new ally....

He said as the lord commander entered the throne room, which shocked everyone in it, Including Sienna Khan because this is their first time seeing an alien, while some on the guards were laughing quietly at him cuz of his size

Sienna: who are you?

She said curiously

Lord commander: I am (Then says in demonic voice) the lord commander!!!!

After the guards heard that, they stopped laughing and started to stand up straight to act all disciplined and to avoid getting murdered by the lord commander

Sienna: and may I ask why are you here?

Lord commander: isn't it obvious, I came here to 2 reasons: to find something I've been searching for a very long time and to propose an alliance.

Adam: and he also says that if you agree to this offer, he will help us become the true dominant race of this world.

Sienna: and if i don't?

Adam: he won't say.

After hearing Adam's answer, everyone started to grow suspicious of the lord commander's intentions of joining forces

Sienna: how do we know your not working with the humans?

Lord commander: just to let you know, I have humans working for me and only me. And that you're not alone in this universe, and make sure you record this love so that way, Sienna, your minions can know what I'm about to say.

After a little bit of thinking, Sienna gave the order to one of her guards to record this live to the rest of the white fang all over remnant. After the white fang started to see the live video of Sienna Khan's throne room, they see Adam and what caught there eyes is the lord commander

Lord commander: tell me Adam tauras, do you have a family?

Adam was surprised, but all he ever had was blake

Adam: no, but used to have someone I held close to darling, blake belladonna.

Lord commander: is that who you fight for?

Adam: I fight for the faunas and the white fang.

Lord commander: tell me, what is so special about the white fang? Your leader just sends her people to fight a cause that is deemed to be impossible and for what?

After hearing what the lord commander said, the white fang, including Illia, started to look at each other wondering thar "is he right"

Adam: i...I don't know anymore.

Lord commander: so then she has you kill humans for no reason?

Adam: I kill because....

Lord commander: you kill because you're GOOD AT IT!!!!!

Adam then realized that he was right, because he does kill humans and that he's good at doing so

Adam: you're right.

Lord commander: I know I'm right, and now I'm going to give you and the white fang the greatest gift no one in this universe has ever given you. I'm going to change you from the butcher's you all are, (Then says in demonic voice) into masters (Then normal voice) by giving you a CAUSE....what if, together, we could remake the universe into one where death could no longer be found.

After hearing that, everyone started to wonder "is that even possible"

Sienna: is that...IS that even possible?

Lord commander: with your help, I can be.

He Then floats in the air, which surprised the white fang all over remnant, including Sienna khan and the guards

Lord commander: I heard the cries of this galaxy, they yearn for a Savior. And with all of you as a part of my empire, I will reveal myself to all of remnant. There will be those who will resist, which is why I need you. I already recruited the ventrexians, the most feared warriors in the galaxy, but you, Adam Taurus, ARE THE FEIRCEST OF ALL THE FAUNAS!!!!!!

after hearing his speech, Sienna khan kneeled before the lord commander, thus pledging her loyalty to him, along with the white fang

Sienna: what are your orders, Lord Commander

After hearing that, the lord commander smirked menacingly with his eyes glowing


(Meanwhile at one of the infinity guard bases)

Nova was talking to some of her female infinity guard friends of her visit at beacon academy

Nova: and that's when I said "take a chill pill dude, you didn't let him finish".

After hearing what nova said, her female friends started to break down laughing uncontrollably, then one of her troopers entered the room

Trooper 1: uh, Sergeant Nova? We found something you should see.

Nova friend 1: is it the white fang?

Nova friend 2: or the grimm?

Trooper 1: no, it's a person, we brought her in the med bay and she has a striking resemblance to a certain friend of our fleet commander.

After hearing that, Nova started to get concerned when he said "striking resemblance"

Nova: how striking?

Nova friend 1: and which of his friends does he/she look like?

Nova friend 2: more like "what's her last name"?

Trooper 1: (sigh) she said that her last name is "rose".

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