Chapter 36: the lazarus trap.

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in the lazarus trap, we see gary, quinn, avocato, and derrick standing on a platform with a whole mess of stair around them as gary spoke up

gary: Stevil, lived right up to the ''evil'' in his name!!!!

quinn: agreed.

derrrick: yeah, why does he literally have ''evil'' in his name anyway?

gary; i don't know, and now look at this, we made it to the super safe oblivion amusement park of never ending unsafe stairs! what fun, thanks everyone, except quinn of course.

avocato: it's a lazarus trap, only master trap builders can make these, and pretty much people who really like stairs.

he said as he's literally on the upside down side of the stairs

derrick: but we need to find a way out this heck-fest.

quinn: yeah, we have to get out.

gary: at least we're not sinking into, like, a lake of lava or something.

he said as the lava lake appeared out of thin air, and made avocato get gary as quinn and derrick jump to the other level

avocato: listen to me, anything we think of becomes reality, ok?

quinn: ok.

derrick: good.

gary: right, so we gotta think positive. uh, ohh ooh! cookies!

he said as a cookie hit his face

avocato: no.

he said as the cookie came to life as it said

cookie: hey, eat me, i'm delicious, i'm a cookie.

gary: what? it's not like imagining murderous killing confections.

he said as the cookie says

cookie: (distorted voice) i'm gonna kill you.

he said as everyone started screaming in fear at the cookie, who is now evil
(blake POV)

we see blake, who is tied up to a chair, starting to wake up as she sees who's in front of her and her team, and that someone is the lord commander

lord commander: hello, blake, adam's been looking for you.

blake: how do you know adam?

lord commander: isn't it obvious on how one of my troops and two white fang soldiers managed to capture you and your team, they joined forces with me and my empire.

he admitted as blake's eyes widened

blake: what?!

lord commander: but even though he wants to meet you, he can't because he's not here, right sienna.

he said as sienna khan came out of the shadows, making blake's eyes widen even more

sienna: hello..blake.

she said in a venom-like tone in her voice
(mooncake POV)

we see one of the helper's helpers walking by some cages, which are holding different types of grimm, as he starts talking

helper helper: everybody, even the white fang, is....super excited about today's sacrifices at this abandoned arena.

he said as a beowolf growled at the alien as he continued speaking

helper helper: but you're not being sacrificed. because the lord commander needs you. (then sees what mooncake is doing) w-what is he doing?

mooncake: chookity....pok!

he said as he blew a hole in the wall that's behind him and went through it, only to be met by an army of white fang soldiers and the lord commander's troops cheering as an ursa came out of a door and growled ferociously at mooncake
(back at the lazarus trap)

we see gary and the group running away from an army of evil cookies as a bunch of them were jumping on gary and biting on him

gary: why am i the only one covered in cookies?!

he screamed as quinn pulled her boyfriend out of the cookies covering him as avocato said

avocato: gary, de-think the cookies!

derrick: yeah, before they kill us.

gary: i'm not sure if that's possible. i'm a very creative guy, and wouln't it be cool if thye had laser eyes?

he said as the cookies start using their laser eyes and shoot at the group

gary: (screams) run!

he said as they start running while screaming

derrick; ok that didn't work.

avocato: anything else?

gary: what, like tridents?

quinn: what?!

she asked as tridents start appearing in the cookie's hands

avocato: no.

gary: yes.

quinn: no.

gary: yeah.


he said as they jump of the ledge they were standing on and land on the other side

gary: i'm thinking of nothing, nothing, nothing...

he said as he bumped into the group and are now holding on to the edge as two cookies came up the gary and avocato and said

cookie 1: i'm gonna eat your eyes out.

cookie 2: and pee in your sockets.

they said as they start poking their tridents at their hands, trying to make them let go of the edge

gary: (screams)

cookie 1: you're never gonna leave this place.

he said as gary noticed something in a distance

gary: why is that one cookie lone-wolfing it across the egde? (gasp) he's leaping! whoa, he's like an-

he was cut off as the cookie pulled out a trident and said

cookie 3: i'm gonna kill you.

he said as he landed on gary's face and started stabbing his eyes with it's trident

gary: it's stabbing my eyes.

he said in pain, which made him and the others let go of the ledge and started screaming as cookies 1 & 2 did a fist bump while smiling deviously as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, up next ''escaping the lazaurus trap'')

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