Chapter 14: Faunas rescue

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Previously on chapter 13

Quinn: ok, it all started after i got arrested by chuck.

Jaune: you mean douche canoe?

everyone, including Blake & Velvet, started laughing after their commander/boyfriend said that about chuck


(Derreck POV, location: Near SDC Mine)

Derreck: ok, once we get to the sdc mine the commander ordered us to go to, we rescue every single one of the faunas slaves and offer some of them a spot in the infinity guard, is that understood?

Troops & SAMES: SIR YES SIR!!!!!!

Derreck: music to my ears.

he said as he smirked


(Location: SDC mine)

at the SDC Mine, the faunas workers are tired and can't have broke since the chief ordered them to get more dust resources for the schnee dust company. the slaves have been sweating like water fountains like there's no break time or when they can rest after work.

outside of the building, two atlasian guards are standing at the entrance when suddenly...


the guards and slaves heard the explosion and realized it came from the entrance. they then saw infinity guard troops, SAMES, and mechs coming inside of the slave camp and the guards started to open fire as a response. but it was a big mistake as the mechs used their machine guns to fire at most of the guards, killing them. the sirens go off as it alerted the SDC mine of the attack as the Atlasian guards and AK-200s are headed to defend the dust mine. 

a few infinity guard dropships landed and deployed troops, Sames, mechs, and vehicles for the rescue/attack. multiple SAMES fired at the AK-200s as they fell to the ground in pieces while some of the Atlasian guards charged at the sames but ended up getting killed when the Sames activated their sword hands, slashing them to the ground. the battle was so fierce that the faunas slaves went to a hiding spot to avoid the gunfire.


(An intense 30 minutes of firing later)

after the battle, the faunas went out of their hiding spot when they heard Derreck's voice


the faunas were whispering to each other of why a bunch of humans rescued them with tech and weaponry that's so advanced than atlas 

Faunas Slave 1: why should we believe you?

Female Faunas Slave 1: how do we know that you're not here to enslave us more badly than them?

Derreck: because in the infinity guard, we treat everyone as equals. wether they're human, alien, or faunas. our commander has sent us to rescue you because he cares about the faunas, just like some of the humans like him.

Faunas Slave 2: what's the infinity guard?

Derreck: we're an interstellar military organization whose purpose is to protect those who can't protect themselves.

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