Chapter 12: Quinn's rescue.

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Previously, on chapter 11...

KVN: oh, you must be Jaune's friends & family. My name is KVN, i'm the arc's light's deep space insanity avoidance companion, nice to meet you all.

Friends & Family: we already hate you.

Gary: that's what i said when i met that HORRENDOUS NEST OF TWIGS!!!!!

- (Space, 3rd POV)-

quinn: mayday mayday, my name is quinn ergon, a captain of the infinity guard. i've been investigating a gravitational disturbance which i now see is a breach in space, and many people are dead.

she then hears beeping

Quinn:  and i'm about to join them in less than (screams). IS THERE NOT A SINGLE IDIOT THAT CAN HEAR ME!!!!!!

- (Gary POV, transport ship)-

Gary: i can hear her.

on the ship, along with Jaune, avocato, Team RWBY, PNR, & CFVY, and Professors Port & Oobleck, Gary started a small speech.

Gary: the greatest love story in the history of the universe is about to blossom forth.

Avocato: yo, dude, just keep the expectations in check. Quinn hasn't responded in a single message of yours in five years.

Ruby: you've been sending her messages for that long, Gary?

Gary: Yes, I have ruby, and maybe she hasn't because she's been busy. and right now, I'm busy.

Everyone: for five years?

Gary: 4 years, 11 months and 30 days.

Avocato: that's 5 years gary.

Coco: (lowers her glasses) oh yeah definitely.

Gary: maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

Professor Port: it definitely is, young man.

Gary: but it could not be

HUE: disabled transporter is now locked in. dispatching SAMES to secure Quinn.

KVN gets close to Gary as he pushes him out of the way

Gary: over my hard nipples HUE. if anyone is saving Quinn, it's me. the captain.

Professor Port: Now that's what i call a noble act.

HUE: Gary i thought you were done with that whole captain nonsense, and i thought i wasn't going to hear it again over the past year since you stopped.

Nora: wait, how many times has he said that he was captain, Cuz I'm starting to think about pirates.

HUE: he's been saying it for 9,044 times, now it's the 9,045th time.

everyone was surprised that Gary's been saying that he's a captain for that many times, some are starting to think it might be a record.

Gary: I disagree. as soon as the crap hit the interstellar fan, i became the captain, for real.

HUE: calculating... no.

Gary: Calculating, yes. i will use those powers to rescue Quinn.

HUE: as soon as I notify Commander Jaune, he will punish you like he did last time.

Gary: Frickin' what, what's new, HUE, what's new? now, before i risk my life for the woman i love, does anyone have perchance a Breath mint.

Port: no sorry.

Jaune of the Infinity Guard (RWBY x FINAL SPACE Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now