chapter 19: memories

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(Gary POV, Scarlet Lance remains)

Gary: it’s getting pretty hot out here HUE.

But after he said that, hue didn't say anything because he was hacked

Gary: HUE. HUE? HUE, Can you hear me? HUE? Avocato? Quinn? Jaune? Family? Anybody? ..... KVN?


(No POV, Arc's light fleet hallway)

HUE: SAMES, Apprehend the targets and make sure to use all force necessary.

He said as Avocato, quinn, the professors, team cfvy, pyrrha, and the Arc family were barging running from the SAMES firing at them and then they enter a room for safety and as Avocato shot the door controls to keep the door closed so that way the SAMES won't get in.

HUE: it is only a matter of time before we break in. Surrender now.

Quinn then sees the Arc sisters all scared, then walked towards them

Quinn: hey ladies, it's OK. We just have to stay in here until this is all over, can you stay calm until then?

They looked at each other and saphron said...

Saphron: ok, well try. I just want to see my son again.

Avocato then heard what Saphron said and it reminded him of his son, little cato

Quinn: ok (Then turns to avocato) if we can just get into HUE mainframe, we can regain control over the fleet.

Avocato: (groans) but the SAMES are blocking our way out.

Then Quinn turns around and removes the hatch of a ventilation shift

Quinn: that's our way out.

Kvn: hey guys, I can disable HUE.

Fox: we need to send the best person for the job, like someone that can see.

Avocato: I accept.

Kvn: I have a key, in my butt hole.

Quinn: I was thinking oof me.

Avocato: that's funny because I was thinking of me.

Kvn: I can DO IT, Embrace the KVN.

Quinn: you're not even a part of the infinity guard.

Coco: she's right, you know.

Quinn: you're the reason we're in this mess, and I'm the reason we're going to get out of it. Got that, baby?

Quinn: don't. Call me. Baby.

Kvn: (scoffs) wish me luck guys.

He said as he went to the vent to reverse hack HUE

Quinn: kvn.

Avocato: kvn!!

Pyrrha, team cfvy, and Arc family: KVN!!!!!!!

KVN: (starts chanting his name)


(Gary POV, Scarlet Lance remains)

Gary: alright, time to head back before this star explodes. Wait, where's mooncake? Mooncake!!!!

???: Gary.

Gary then sees a floating caterpillar coming towards his face

Gary: why is there a caterpillar around here? What brings you, noble creature so close to my face. Wait why am I talking to a caterpillar? It obvious, I'm hallucinating.

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