Chapter 17: Unexpected encounter.

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Previously... on chapter 16

Gary: I'm going to save the fleet, i'm going to save my family and quinn, and i'm going to harvest the crap out of destiny. Mooncake let's do this.

Mooncake: (makes cute karate noises)


as gary snuck his way onto a transport ship, he left the fleet to go to that dying star near remnant's region of space. and as he opened the hanger, he got on a jetpack as he was about to fly his way near the star.

Gary: play the good stuff HUE.

HUE: You're a go for thrusters.

and as Gary was about to fly to the star, music started playing

as Gary was flying, he noticed something in the distance

Gary: WHAT IS THAT!!!!???

he then dodged the unknown debris and when he was getting close to the dying sun, he then sees more debris of unknown origin

HUE: the star is surrounded by a graveyard of destroyed vessels

Gary deadpanned

Gary: thank you for the heads up, HUE.

HUE: what you are seeing Gary is the remains of the scarlet lance and it's fleet.

Gary: jaune told me about this, they say it went MIA for about 16 years ago.

HUE: yes, gary. but they were wrong, thousands of souls were lost.

Gary: and the fact that it's messy, we got that part right HUE? it's a mess all over here

as Gary was talking about how messy the now recovered scarlet lance is, mooncake noticed a blinking light in a crack of the ship they were flying through and went towards it

Mooncake: Chookity.

as Gary made it to a debris pad, he landed on it

HUE: hurry Gary, the star is about to implode

Hue said as gary placed the light matter pump and activated it

Gary: were cooking HUE.

he said as a beam of light came out of the pump and went straight to the Arc's light fleet

HUE: power is being recieved.

(end music)


(Jaune POV, location: Armory)

as jaune and the others exited the armory, they got new weapons which jaune let them borrow for this situation. Ruby got an infinity guard sniper rifle, Nora got a railgun, Ren got a pair of pistols (even though he is a SMG type, but that was all they had), and Blake also got a pair is pistols, velvet didn't get a gun because her semblance allows her to copy other people's weapons out of thin air, and Jaune just had a pistol and his crocea mors.

Jaune: so how do you like the weapons i let you borrow?

Ruby: this sniper looks AWESOME!!!

Nora: I HAVE A RAILGUN!!!!!, but i was hoping for something that's, you know, my style.

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