chapter 45: rescue mission (part 4)

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as avocato, derrick, quinn, jaune, his team and team RWBY arrived at the bottom of the stairs, they see little cato with blank, glowing eyes and also hovering above the floor as he said

little cato: papa.

avocato: little cato.

he said as gary showed up and said

gary: oh, not to kill the reunion vibe, but there's something mega not right with your boy.

nora: i have to agree.

ren nodded to nora at agreeing with her

avocato: it's my fault, he's angry with me.

jaune: avocato, it's not your fault, it's the lord commander's.

gary: exactly, but he's got a wierd way of showing his anger in the fact that he's HOVERING off the ground!!!

ruby; EEP!!

she shrieked as she jumped on her half sister's arms

nora: (screams) hold me, ren.

derrick: avocato, gary does have a point.

quinn: yeah, he literally is hovering.

jaune: she's right.

gary: i know i do.

he said as little cato moved forward to gary as he shrieked

gary: nice to meet you, and your name is?

little cato: death is sweeter than life.

he said in a creepy way, which made everyone quiet until gary said

gary: i don't know why more kids are named ''death is sweeter than life''. fine boy you have here, avocato.

jaune: really gary?

avocato: things are going to get real, now go everyone.

yang: (red eyes) why would you say that, we're trying to help.

avocato: what do you even know about me, everyone?

gary: i know for a guy....

derrick: who says he's not a cat, you sure do love milk.

jaune: like ruby here.

ruby: HEY!!!!

avocato: guys, i hate the lord commander for a reason........i used to be his 2nd in command.

everyone: WHAT!!!!!!!!??????

avocato: that's right,


avocato: i was a master of death, i did anything the lord commander asked of me. he above all else demanded loyalty, and one day he ordered all of his generals to prove their allegiance to him by killing their firstborn.

generals: for eternity, for the lord commander.

they all said as they fire at their children with the lord commander smiling like a crazed maniac, like the fun-sized devil he is as he said

lord commander: do it avocato and become my first. do it.

he said as past avocato was about to fire at past little cato, but couldn't. so instead he fired at the troopers holding his son as little cato was running away, but was caught by vines and avocato was being held down by the vines as the lord commander spoke up

lord commander: if i sense doubt in you, ever again, remember. i own your son, and now...i own you.

he said

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