chapter 39: A giant laser.

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after the events of what happened at the arena and discovered that the white fang joined forces with the lord commander, we see jaune, his team, ruby, blake, gary, quinn, avocato, and mooncake on a transport freighter in lightfold space (the final space equivelant of hyperspace from star wars) with quinn saying

quinn: ok, in order to find out how the breach i reported is being opened, i need to get the password to the infiny guard network, is that ok jaune?

jaune: by all means.

he said as tribore suprisingly popped up as a hologram

tribore: did someone need a password to the infinity gaurd network?

he said innocently

quinn: how did you know?

tribore: how do i know, i'm always listening.

nora: that's creepy.

quinn: yeah, and can you stop that like, immediately?

tribore: 1: can i, no. i can't and 2: hi jaune, how's it going and who are these people with you all?

jaune: 1: i'm doing good and 2: long story.

tribore: ok, bye.

he said as he left and quinn put the password in and said

quinn: there it is HUE, zoom in.

she said as the AI zoomed in on the hologram and said

HUE: The breach has the characteristics of a black hole, and it's growing.

ruby; what's a black hole?

HUE: it's basically the most dangerous space anomoly in the universe, it's strong enough to suck in an entire planet and destroy anything in it's path.

he explained as ruby's eyes shrunk at hearing that

gary: quinn, you told the infinity guard this, and they didn't listen, and they want to arrest you? they're total bad guys for doing that to you, my love.

quinn: i kinda have to agree.

she said as jaune rolled his eyes as gary coninued

gary: that smell coming from the infinity guard kitchen, even though i ate their during my time at the academy, just a little dish i call ''corruption stew''.

he said as jaune said

jaune: gary, the infinity guard is not corrupt.

quinn: i have to agree with gary, why else would they hack into HUE and try to kill us, even your family.

jaune: gotta point.

he said as kvn showed up

KVN: wow, how pretty! what is that?

he asked as he poked at the hologram

HUE: plasmic energy is firing from that planet and directly into the breach. if the laser continues, the breach will widen and earth will be consumed.

gary: NO, NOT MY HOME!!!!

quinn: exactly, HUE scan that planet for inhabitants.

HUE: there is an infinity guard outpost.

gary: hmm, it's not a soup, it's not a broth, Ha, i know it's a stew, corruption stew!!!!

jaune: there has to be a good explanation. hue, prime the lightfold engines and make sure that the outpost doesn't detect us.

HUE: Ok, commander. but actually we're already here, try to keep up.

he said as they landed and nora said

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