chapter 25: Jaune's first day back.

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after forgiving the students that tormented him in the past after theyy regretted doing those things to jaune, he secretly called a transport shuttle for the students to place their "we're sorry jaune" gifts and send said gifts to the flagship. right now, we see Jaune and the gang heading to his old dorm, but instead of going in, he sees a note with nora's name on it

Jaune: huh, a note?

he grabbed it and read it

"dear fearless leader"

"sorry that we couldn't wait for you but we HAD to get to class, but we are SO HAPPY that we have you as our leader again, WHAHOO!!!! ahem, anyways, we're on our way to, ugh, professor port's class. hope we see you there.


P.S. Ruby's with us"

after reading the note, he and the others started to run to Professor port's class


in professor port's class, we see Team RWBY and NPR sitting on their seats listening to ye ole professor port's BORING stories. nora and ruby are sleeping, Yang, weiss and blake are trying to stay awake, ren is just....being ren, phyrra was thinking of a way to become one of jaune's girlfriends. as port was talking, jaune and the representatives entered the room, breathing heavily due to the running, which caused ruby and nora to wake up and say

Ruby & Nora: Jaune/fearless leader!!!!!!

Yang & Weiss: oh no.

Blake: babe

Ren: hi Jaune

Professor port: Ah, mr. arc. glad you could join us, please take a seat.

Juane: actually, i was thinking that me and my fleet's reps could sit with ruby


Jaune draws out his robot arm's gun mode

Jaune: i wasn't asking.

yang wanted to fight back, but she still felt guilty for what happened after realizing what she did to him, so she got up and sat in a different seat

Jaune: thank you.

he said as his gun arm turns back to normal and as he walked up and sat next to ruby, gary and quinn sat next to each other, while derrick sat with jaune's team

Professor port: ok, now where was i? oh right, when i was a young boy......


After the other classes, jaune, his team, gary, quinn, and derrick got their food and sat down. Jaune looked around and sees everyone avoiding contact because they still felt guilty, despite them being forgiven and giving jaune their gifts, so he came up ith an idea to cheer them up as he got on top of their table and announced...


after they heard that, they looked at jaune, who peeked an interest of what he suggested

(yang & weiss POV)

as the two huntresses were walking to lunch, talking about what's been happening

Yang: i just... i still can't believe jaune forced me to move my seat away from ruby, she 's my sister for GOD'S SAKE!!!!! why would he do that to me?

Weiss: it's because of what you did to him. right now, let's just go get our lunch

as they entered, they see everyone listening to jaune's stories

Female Student: (gasp) and then what happened, PLEASE TELL OR I'LL RIP MY JUGULAR OUT OF MY THROAT AND EAT IT!!!!!!

Juane: (shivers) what happend was that after that tiberium scar-eel died, it spat out some acid like venom on my uniform and, started disintegrating my top, revealing my rock hard abs, i was running back to the transport where nova and her squadron was to pick me up and they saw me....

Female students: saw you what???

Jaune: BUCK BLOODY NAKED, first mission ever

after he said that, the female students fainted like anime girls, with the male students catching them from falling to the ground, but some of the who didn't faint started squealing like fangirls

male students: did all that happen, derrick?

Derrick: unfortanately...yes, after the mission, i saw nova blushing like a storm. wondered why until she told me, i even tried to rip my eyes out to avoid seeing my naked commander.

male student 1: well at least you tried.

female student: wow jaune, you had an exciting life when you were gone. but won't your adoptive dad be upset that your no longer a goodspeed

after Gary & juane heard that question, they lowered their heads

Gary: that's not going to happen.

mlae student: why?

then nora says why to the student body

Nora: because when he was on a mission investigatiing a dsiturbance in space.....he never came back.

then the students gasp in shock, which caught yang's and weiss's attention when they heard

Female student 1; you mean, he's dead?

Phyrra: yeah, gary had a mom, who happens to be john's ex-wife, but she abandoned him and jaune for an unknown reason after that tragedy.

Jaune: and when my adoptive dad, john goodspeed died, i was a wreck, like "my deadbeat dad called and disowned me" wreck.

after hearing that, the students were very upset, like "girl students crying" upset

female student 2: (sniffs) we are SO sorry.

gary: it's ok, you didn't know

when jaune raised his head up, it went from calm happiness to full-blown anger when he saw Yang and Weiss standing there


he said as they noticed the two, who were looking at yang with angered glares for beating a space hero up, even though he was going to be. and at weiss fro being a schnee

end of chapter, hope you liked it

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