Chapter 16: truths and friends

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(Lord commander POV, Location: remnant)

While the arc's light was being overrun by hacked sames, the lord commander and some of his heavy incinerators passed by jaune's fleet and headed into the planet's surface as it landed in a forest near the city of vale. Once it did, the lord commander, viro, and his troops exited the ships and walked on the grass.

Lord Commander: so this is remnant? Scout the area, and if you don't find and bring me E-351, I'LL RIP YOUR HEADS OFF!!! Is that understood?


Lord Commander: good

He said as his eyes started to glow

(Jaune POV)

as jaune, his GFs, and his old team left to fight off the SAMES, if they find any of course, they were walking down a hallway leading to a very familiar room that Nora noticed.

Nora: hey jaune? why are we going to the armory?

Jaune: you did say you wanted to try out some of the weapons, right?

Nora then realized what her friend meant

Nora: you mean...

Jaune: yes, I'm letting you use these weapons.

Nora then was about to scream until ren covered her mouth and asked

Ren: why not just use the weapons we have?

Ruby: yeah.

Jaune: well my squad saved a village from the white fang and one of them fired at me, but it didn't budge through my armor. And the fact that we're in space so dust weapons are basically useless here.

Then everybody remembered what they heard on the news about a weapon that can go through aura and realized that jaune saved the villagers and killed the WF Attackers

Ruby: wait, you mean...

Blake: that was you?

Jaune: yes, that was me.

Velvet: why didn't you tell us?

Nora: yeah, why?

Jaune: cuz if I did, then everything that I went through will cycle all over again. I just didn't want to be alone anymore.

Everyone felt his remorse of not telling them, but blake and velvet responded by hugging him

Blake: and we Don't want to be alone again, you have us.

Velvet: and we'll try to make you happy in anyway you can

Nora: and besides, you got back into your family and that made you happy.

Rem: she's right. And I can't believe I'm saying this but you're our fearless leader.

Then everyone was surprised that ren actually said what Nora says all the time

Nora: wow.

She said in shock

Jaune: thanks guys.

He smiles as he opened the door

Jaune: now take your pick.

He said as they entered the armory


(Gary POV)

As a group of SAMES passed by an elevator lift, Gary peeked his head to see the coast is clear and got off the elevator

Gary: I'm going to save the fleet, I'm going to save my family and Quinn, and I'm going to harness the crap out of destiny, Mooncake, let's do this.

Mooncake: (makes cute karate noises)

End of chapter 20, hope you liked it.

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