A dumb demon

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Japanese will be underlined

WARNING: Very minor manga spoilers


To say you were shocked was an understatement. Here you were sitting on the ground in front of a dead body and a....demon?

Let's backtrack a little.

You came home after a long day at work. You didn't have much, after all, you were a recent college graduate with mounds of student loans to pay off....yea, maybe you should've taken your friends offer of moving in with her, instead of buying a one bedroom apartment that you could barely afford.

You jump backwards expecting to land on your bed, so you were shocked when you landed on the floor instead.

Which brings us back to where we started.

A dead person in front of you and a demon. What the the actual fuck. "Did I somehow get drugged?"

You were in what looked like a forest. It was dark, the full moon above you casting a small bit of light everywhere.

The demon looked up now noticing your presence. "My blood art! It worked! Tell me human what year are you from?"

Tearing your gaze away from the dead body you look into the demon's eyes. "Eh?" Now, you weren't exactly the smartest person but you definitely knew that this thing  wasn't speaking english and you were really far away from home.

The demon's head tilted and they crept closer to you, the stench of blood and dirt invading your senses. "I would answer if I were you human." Were they speaking Japanese?? Holy shit were you in JAPAN??!!

Using your somewhat limited knowledge of Japanese you managed out a small response. "I uh..no speak Japanese. I English."

"English? Ah this is much better than I expected. Now what year are you from human?" They mumbled.

"Oh shit you speak English? Tight. Um I'm from 2021. Why?" You questioned, wasn't it still 2021?

"Yes! YES!! It worked!! That man will be so proud of me!! I'll surely become an upper moon now!!" The demon got up and jumped around in joy.

"Sorry to interrupt but, who's 'That man'?" You awkwardly scratched the back of your neck as you watched the demon continue to bounce around.

"Muzan Kibutsuji of cou-!" The demon was cut off as it was suddenly impaled with its own body, imploding on itself.

No. no. no no no no no no no and NO!! Muzan!? Oh fuck no. You got up and ran. I mean sprinted away because no way in hell were you going to stay there. You couldn't tell if you were happy or not with this situation. I mean Demon Slayer was one of your favorite anime series. You own the whole goddamn manga set.

But on the other hand, this world was full of demons and the only reason Tanjiro lived through the whole thing was because he was the main character. Hell, even though he was the main character he still died for a little bit. You were definitely fucked. And not in the good way.

You were even more fucked because of what you knew. If Muzan or any of the other demons found out, you would be hunted down and used as a tool to bring the demon slayer corps to an end. It would be better if you lived alone in the woods far away from anyone or anything.

But, how could you live with yourself if you didn't try to save them. You knew how they all died and if given the proper time you could probably save most if not all of them. You had to save them. Or at least Rengoku. 

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