What happened so many nights ago

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Japanese will be underlined

MAJOR CW: manipulation and mentions of suicide and coercion


Aiko stood alone in the garden. She had meant to be there to finish planting the spider lilies Douma had given her, but she had ended up sitting on the ground staring out into the distance. The sun was just barely starting to rise, and, if you looked very closely, you would be able to see the tops of the sun's rays beginning to peek over the horizon.

"Where are you really Y/n?" She mumbled to herself.

Douma had told her, and everyone else in the Eternal Paradise cult, that you had moved on to the "True Paradise", whatever that meant. Aiko, of course, didn't fully believe him. But perhaps she was simply in denial because she missed her friend.

It most likely had something to do with the fact that she had a few unspoken feelings she had yet to confess to you as well.

"They're somewhere safe." Aiko gasped as she stumbled to the floor. She turned towards the voice that appeared from behind her, but found nothing.

"Who are you?! What do you want?! Wha-What did you do to Y/n?!" The disembodied voice chuckled and shushed her.

"Someone who watches over them. Someone who makes sure that they stay safe and sound. Something that you have so clearly failed to do, little girl." The girl flinched at the voice's harsh accusation.

"Are you, are you God?" She whispered out quietly.

The voice whispered back, "Sure, if that's what you'd like to believe."

Aiko smiled, glad that the person she loves is safe and being watched over. She couldn't see it, but the voice grimaced at her happiness.

"They speak about you sometimes you know."

Aiko's eyes lit up. "They do?! What do they say?"

The voice chuckled. "Oh all sorts of things," it moved to her side, "although, it's nothing particularly kind I'm afraid."

Her smile faltered. "What? What do you-what does that mean?"

"Well, they tell me about how clingy you were. How you constantly bothered them when they lived here, and how glad they are to finally be rid of you for good." He smiled wickedly and leaned in to whisper into the poor girl's ear.

"You must be an outstandingly horrible person to make someone as wonderful and kind as Y/n hate you. How does it feel hm? To know that someone you love so, absolutely despises you."

Aiko's eyes swelled with tears. "No...no that's not true." Her voice was small and wobbled with unease.

"Oh, but it is girl. What? Did you think that my sweet Y/n could ever love someone like you? You don't deserve their love. You don't deserve anyone's love. You're worthless, you always have been, and it's time you realized that."

Aiko had started to sob, curling in on herself. The words of "God" himself cutting her deeply. Maybe this thing that called itself a deity was right. She did have a problem with being overly clingy and she did talk an awful lot. But, that couldn't have been enough to make her best friend, her only friend, hate her so much right?

Although, it had been enough to drive away a great many of her friends in the past, so it does make sense that it would drive you away too.

He shushed her again. Whispering into her ear again, but this time with a sickeningly fake sweet tone. "Aww don't cry like you're the victim in this situation. My lovely Y/n is. Why don't you do the both of us a favor and leave this world. That way you'd never have to worry about bothering anyone again. It would be over quickly. You'd barely even feel the pain."

Aiko whimpered quietly, and her eyes wandered over to the hori knife that lay next to her that she had brought to cut the weeds. "That's it. You know you could do it if you really wanted to, and you know you want to. It's not like you're anyone important, or special to anyone. No one would even miss you, no one would even bat an eye. They'd probably leave your body here to rot with the flowers. All that pain and suffering you've put everyone through, it'd be over, so why not go ahead with it?"

Tears streamed down Aiko's face.

Almost everyone else was tucked away in bed, sleeping peacefully already, and those who weren't, were just now starting to lay themselves to rest. She had no friends here. She thought she had someone, but she'd managed to even screw that up. The only one that might miss her would be Douma. And he'd only miss having someone in his bed to keep his dick wet. She had no one.

She sniffled and look up to the sky.

The sun had risen more and the sky had turned a beautiful soft pink that chased away the darkness that remained from the dark, inky night. The air was cool, and smelled of morning dew.

She'd never seen such a beautiful sunrise before.

She slowly picked up the knife that rested next to her. Yoriichi smiled.

She would never see another sunrise as beautiful as this one again.


Taishō Era Secrets


Douma found Aiko's body the next night and buried her in the garden


So yea :D

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