The Story's Changing

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Japanese will be underlined

I hate authors notes but oh my lord it took me so long to come back to this because I physically cannot stand some of the shit I wrote in earlier chapters and some of the shit I made Y/n say so please forgive me for making them annoying at times. I promise they're gonna get MAJOR character development. 

ALSO I'm deeply in love with Muzan HOLY SHIT he's so fine.


What's worse than a blood thirsty demon king? 

A rageful one. And rageful he was.

It doesn't take a lot to make Muzan Kibutsuji angry. But you, you had made his anger exceed past a point that he didn't even know could be possible. Not only had you escaped to the one place he could not reach, but one of his favorite demons had gotten killed in the process, and it was all your fault (never mind the fact that Rui's death had nothing to do with you). 

In his fit of rage, Muzan had killed off the remaining lower ranks. All but one. 


He had given the demon specific orders to deliver you back to him should Enmu ever happen to stumble across you. Though, if he were to deliver you roughed up a bit, it wouldn't matter. As long as you were alive.

The upper ranks had been given similar orders. The only difference is that Akaza had specifically been given the task of searching you out. Douma had protested greatly, claiming that since he was the one who had brought you to Muzan's attention, he should be the one to look for you. But Muzan had little faith that Douma wouldn't get carried away and accidentally kill you, and entrusted the task to Akaza, given that he was prone to be more levelheaded. 

And thus the search began. Akaza searched high and low, but you were nowhere to be found. 

How hard was it to find some measly human? He had more faith in finding the blue spider lily before finding you after he searched for a week straight without finding a single trace of you. It was like you had simply disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Little did he know he'd find you soon enough.


You stood in the entryway to the boy's room in the butterfly estate. The three boys stared at you awkwardly while you stared back just the same.

"Good god this is awkward." You took a deep breath. "Um, I'm sorry about Asakusa, Kamado. I hope you understand that I don't," You paused. "I'm not married to him. Muzan, I mean. I didn't want to be there, and I want him dead just as badly as you." 

Tanjiro blinked, and then smiled at you. "There's nothing to apologize for. And please, call me Tanjiro." 

"Thank you, and I also wanted to apologize for not coming to visit sooner. I was a little nervous." You laughed to yourself. "How are your injuries healing?"

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