Gross Spider Things

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WARNING: Manga spoilers


Muzan decided that he wanted to keep you close ever since Douma had brought you to the Upper Moon meeting. Because of that, Muzan had you live with him so he could keep a close eye on you. Tonight he had forced you to go to Asakusa with him. You tried to convince him to just let you stay at the Infinity Fortress without him, but he refused to let you out of his sight for even a second.

So here you were, walking down the streets of Asakusa at night with Muzan holding your hand.

He was only holding your hand because you had wandered off for a bit and got lost. You had heard him mumble something about how you were like a child.

As you were walking, you kept looking around. 'This place seems really familiar for some reason..'

Muzan tensed as he stopped beside you. "What's wrong?" You asked.

You turned around and you immediately wished you didn't. Of course this place looked familiar, this was the place that Tanjiro first met Muzan. 

Muzan's grip tightened around your hand to the point where it was almost painful. "Is there something I can do for you? You appear to be quite upset." Muzan looked at you from the corner of his eye, signaling you to play along.

"Darling is everything alright? Do you know this boy?" You feigned innocence and watched as Tanjiro's face scrunched up in horror. He probably thought you didn't know he was a demon. 

"No. What a nuisance. I don't know him at all." Muzan slightly glared at the boy.

"Perhaps he has...Mistaken me for someone else?"  As Muzan spoke, you saw a man and his wife walk past and you knew what was about to happen. 

"O-Oh really? You think so?" You winced a bit when you heard the woman's husband turn to attack her.

As Tanjiro rushed to go help the poor woman, Muzan put his arm around you and pulled you close. "Y/n, this is dangerous. Lets move away."

"Alright..." You wished as hard as you could that you could run away. That you could pull your sword out and kill Muzan, but his nails were digging into your arm and you knew that if you made the slightest move he would kill you out of anger. So you let Muzan push you forward and away from Tanjiro.

"MUZAN KIBUTSUJI! WHEREVER YOU GO, YOU WON'T GET AWAY FROM ME" Muzan's nails dug deeper and you felt blood trickling down your arm.




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