Can ghosts make jokes?

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Japanese will be underlined


Mitsuri had left once Ubuyashiki had come in about three and a half hours ago, and now here you sat in your new room contemplating life and the decisions you had made beforehand that all led up to this point.

Ubuyashiki calmly walked in the room with his two daughters leading him. "Thank you my children, you may now leave. I'd like to have a private talk with Y/n now."

You sniffled and stared at Ubuyashiki. It was just you and him alone in this room. All was silent, he calmly sat across from you and looked at you, well looked in your general direction. For such a gentle man he was truly intimidating, it was like he was looking through you and into your soul.

The silence was deafening, you felt like you had been sitting here for hours when it had only been thirty seconds at the very least.

"I'd like you to become an official member of the Demon Slayer Corp."

It took you a second to fully process what he had said (especially the fact that he said it in English). A personal invitation to become a demon slayer from the leader of the organization himself. It was akin to having the Queen of England personally ask you to join the royal guard.

"No." Ubuyashiki's smile never faltered. "I mean, thank you, I'm truly honored you'd want me to join, but no."

He nodded. "May I ask why?" Your eyes went to your lap. "I goal isn't to kill all demons. In truth, there are many demons that I want to live. Some of them I wish I could've saved....if I joined, I feel as though I would be a traitor. Even now I still do."

You forced yourself to look Ubuyashiki in the eye. "I'm not sure how much you know about me, of my situation, but I do know that your knowledge often exceeds past what you let on. I will never work against the Demon Slayer Corp, but if I have a chance of saving someone I care about, even if they are a demon, I will take it."

Ubuyashiki chuckled. "I understand, and you are right. I do know more than you think I do, especially concerning you and your....peculiar situation. Although I can't say I completely understand it."

The rest of your conversation with the leader of the Demon Slayers was long. He had explained that he had already known of how you would fall into this world because of his clairvoyance. You had even joked together that it was a good thing that the demon that brought you here was already dead, as they would've posed an even greater threat to humanity that Muzan.

The two of you talked for almost three hours, and you thought that you guys got along pretty well. And obviously Ubuyashiki had as well because he had extended an invitation to you to join the hashira dinner tonight and had even told you to refer to him as Kagaya, seeing as he knew the two of you would be spending quite a bit of time together in the near future.

So know you were sitting in your room. Freaking the fuck out. Because you had to see the hashira after you had cried in front of them.

Cried was actually putting it lightly. You threatened to kill one of them, then had a full on mental breakdown to the point where you looked so pathetic that you needed to have the Love Hashira comfort you and then carry you to your room, where she then proceeded to try and calm you down for almost two hours.

"You look worried-"

"OH MY FUCKI- oh hey Yoriichi what's up."

Yoriichi winced but nonetheless continued to wrap his arms around you from behind. "You know, you have a bad habit of screaming at first when I come to talk to you sometimes."

"Yea? well you have a bad habit of not announcing your presence and just appearing out of thin air." Yoriichi chuckled. "What happened with the Demon Slayers today?"

You quickly descended into a very detailed recounting of all of the events that had happened today while Yoriichi played with a strand of your hair. In truth, he had already known everything that had happened, you didn't think he would ever actually leave you alone when there are just so many dangerous things out there did you?

But he knew that if he was constantly breathing down your neck you'd start to feel suffocated, or worse, you might even start to get tired of him.

He sighed happily listening to you detailing the extent of your conversation with Kagaya. Oh how he loved the sound of your voice, he could listen to you drone on and on for hours without ever getting bored.

"-anyways enough about me, what have you been up to? You've been gone for quite a while." His eyes darted to the side, "Oh this and that, mostly surveying the upper moons activities."
While that wasn't a complete lie it wasn't the whole truth.

He had meant to watch over Douma's actions, at least that's what he had been telling himself, but he got a bit distracted, from his original goal.

"Oh! you went back to the cult? How's Aiko been doing is she ok? Maybe I should go back sometime soon to check on her.."

Yoriichi's grip tightened around you, "No. Muzan knows that the demon slayer corp have taken you in. If you go back now you'll be endangering Aiko as well as yourself."

You sighed, "I know know how horribly the other members were treating her, they wanted her to leave. And you and I both know that they'd go to extreme means to get what they want."

Yoriichi nuzzled into you, "You miss her. Don't you. Is that why you're making up all these unrealistic situations?" You stiffened. "Unrealistic? What the hell are you talking about Yoriichi?"

"My dear they are terrible people but they wouldn't resort to murder," he chuckled a bit, "and besides, I checked on her while I was there and I made sure that no one would bother her again."

"What did you do?" He sighed contently as he breathed in your scent, "Nothing much. Just rest assured my dear that no one will ever be able to bother her again."

You chuckled and relaxed into him. "Jeez that's awfully nice of you, it almost feels like you're in love with her."

Yoriichi snuggled into your neck and whispered against your ear, "I'd only ever have eyes for you darling."

You laughed and hugged his arms closer to yours, "Y'know for a ghost, you have a pretty good sense of humor!"

If only you knew just how serious he was..


Taishō Era Secrets


Yoriichi definitely made sure no one would ever bother Aiko again :)

Ubuyashiki thought your soul was beautiful

Yoriichi thought you smelled like nostalgia and dreams :)


I was gonna make this chapter longer but I decided on making the dinner with all the hashira separate since I have a lot of things planned for the next chapter :))

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